#3 - (Charles) Batchelor!!

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Grian is married. This is a fact.

Hermitcraft does not know Grian is married. This is a fact.

The whole server had turned Grian's love life ( faux, of course) into the Batchelor. Another fact.

Mumbo & Scar are now the victims.

Oh, oh god.

This will be fun!


It's valentine week, and Grian has seemed... down. Sad. Not his usual energetic self.

Everyone's rather confused on it, but it's been mostly overshadowed by the big event: the end of the Hermitcraft Batchelor. Basically, Grian & Mumbo & Scar had been going on little 'dates', or hangouts, and now, Grian had to choose.


Well, where better than the server Valentine's day party?

There was a simple plan: Mumbo & Scar would confess, together, at the same time. Everyone, on both sides of the friendly competition, would wait with bated breath for Grian's choice.

So, this is how it went!


Grian stepped into Ren's wonderful little party house, a normalish one. He was wearing a pitch black button up shirt & red tie.


Grian does not want to be here. See, his fucking husband, Taurtis, had ended up locked on a server because the portal glitched & now he can't spend today with his literal spouse.

Taurtis could still communicate with Grian via Crabphones, but he was still locked on the damned server. Which, being an admin, Grian understands because he obviously doesn't want his husband glitched in 2, but he also wants his husband to be at their damned hub house.

His phone beeps. It's Taurtis, with a silly reassuring message about the party promising that they've almost fixed the glitch, and he'll be home today or tomorrow. Good. Grian sends back a ' .. going in. you better be home in one piece or I will stab you'

Taurtis just sends back a ' :3 have funnn'

Grian gives an exasperated laugh. No one seems to notice, in the chatter of the party. Grian stashes the phone, folds his wings, and dives straight in.


Scar was excited. Even after Double Life, his relationship with Grian had gotten so much better-

And tonight, hopefully, it'd be more again.

He was wearing a suit, black with a white shirt underneath. The classic. His tie was a wonderful green that matches his eyes wonderfully.

Currently, he's talking with Cub & Ren, who were on his 'side'. Their hyping him up, but Scar knows they've made the foolish decision of betting diamonds on this.

" It'll all work, Scar, he has to choose you!! Trust, my dude."

" Trust,"

Ren patted Scar's shoulder, grinning and walking off.

Now, all he had to do was wait..

5 minutes 'till.

Oh god.


Mumbo was a wreck. I mean, who wouldn't be when you & another are competing for a friend's love and it all comes to a point now.


Maybe he shouldn't be thinking that.

Impulse, his comrade through it all, has his arm slung over Mumbo's shoulder, but in a reassuring way.

" Mumbo, don't worry! Grian's known you the longest, he'll choose you!"

" You say this because your betting on it, aren't you?"
Impulse gives a silly smile, pointing to the clock. Mumbo had caught him out, hadn't he?
The clock itself gives Mumbo three minutes.


" Alright, everyone, we have a special event! Please come to the main room!"

It was Ren, dragging everyone to the main room for the real event- Grian's choice.

He glanced down at Mumbo & Scar, who were standing next to eachother. Ren beckoned Grian up, who raised an eyebrow but proceeded onto the small stage that had been set up.

Grian takes the microphone, kicking Ren off the stage.

" Right, I presume I'm up here to *sing*-"

"no! "

" :0 Ren, how dare you! I'm not that bad at singing!"
He watches Ren shove both Mumbo & Scar over, confusion growing evident in his stomach- with dread, of course.

" say the thing,"

He hears hissed. What the fuck..?
" right, grian...

I love you. I've been trying to date you forever-"

" I love you, forever & always-"

Scar & Mumbo said it in unison. Grian stared, wide-eyed, before dropping the mic. He immediately reaches for his Crabphone, frantically calling Taurtis.

Holy, holy fucking shit, somehow, he'd lead two of his bestfriends on- HES MARRIED, FOR GOD'S SAKE! Does this count as cheating? Oh god, oh god..

Taurtis finally picks up, his voice loud over the shitty speakers.

" gri? What's happening? You out early? They finally fixed the portal, I'm already home-"

" Taurtis, Taurtis, I think I've been having an emotional affair or something because mumbo & scar think I'm in love with them and hELP."


"fight or flight"

The wind rushed through Xelqua's hair as he balanced on the building, all six translucent black wings flared out, awaiting more magic to fully solidify. Xelqua was the newest vigilante, a type of barely legal 'hero' not actually endorsed by the government.

Actually, the government wanted Xelqua, especially since he'd teamed up with Hawkeye, but he enjoys his day job a bit too much. ( note: he did not do it in the day, his friends did not like his habit of staying up till 4 am.)

Xelqua was graciously waiting for Hawkeye on the building roof, watching the birds fly by. His patience was wearing very thin, and he was about to just patrol alone when suddenly, Xelqua was picked up.


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