#8- Scrapped Musical Oneshots

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I really just didn't like the end product of these 2. No, I'm not adding a vid with the music. Find that yourself <3


ok so im watching the YHS reboot purely to understand what's happening, right?

i'll give you the rundown:

coolment is now sam's bff; he's also murderous (egged on by sam)

sam's still a gaslighting bitch.

more murder occurs.

ok. we caught up? we caught up. coolio.

now then..


Pauly B, the very obvious alibi of Paul Blaurt, exited the quaint house with a grin. Sam has the same look on his face, although it shows all of his sharp teeth.

Coolment steps backwards.

" Coolment, what did you tell that man? He's a clever man, did you know? I bet he works for the government."

" I didn't say much!-"

" Did you tell him about the candy, Coolment?"

"Not really..?"

Coolment watched as Sam covered his face with his hands, groaning and muttering some curses before looking back up.

" I think we have a problem, if you told him things, Coolment.

Remember, if I go down- you go with me."

(Everybody needs some encouragement.)

Coolment's blue tail swished, threatening Sam in an unspoken manner.

" Get the problem-solver. Let's go fix things."

(I think it's real unfair that you should put him there,)

Coolment nodded. It was Pauly B or him, and he knew what he was willing to sacrifice. He'd already been in too deep after Walter first approached them, the only way out was deeper.

That was a saying, right?

(All we did was kiss, on my grave, I swear.)

Out on the streets, it was harder to believe. They'd already killed Grimbus, and that destroyed everything- Invader was imprisoned, then Mei was framed..

(Where did you find his shoes? A lock of my hair?)

And then Coolment just had to get psychically involved, he had to 'right a wrong' and kill James. But James wouldn't go down easy and then Nova was down there to..

It was fine.

(All we did was kiss, on my grave, I swear.)


" I think it's real unfair that you should put him there,"

Of all people, Grian never thought he'd be arguing against Sam's imprisonment, especially for stabbing Taurtis, but hey. There's a first time for being threatened into everything!

" All we did was argue, on my grave, I swear."

The police officer, a strange man neither of them knew, glared down.

" We have the DNA-"

"Where did you find his shoes? A lock of my hair?"


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