#10- random book concepts

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so ]

here are some random book concepts i kindof want to write but also is that even a good, sustainable idea



The trio is back from Tokyo, aiming to take over this new school- a prestigious boarding school with people of all kinds. Does it go well? About as well as you'd expect, giving a depressed teenager, an idiot & a sadistic psychopath power (and probably weapons).

world building bullshit:

Yes, I'm shoving Minecraft servers in here as friend groups. Fight me.

Yes, Grian gets to be the victim of his mother's fanatical cult of chopping drug dealers up before they can take the money she owes.

Yes, Taurtis & Grian will be dating...


i never said there wasn't any scarian so that's open for interpretation..

what else??

shit i have nothing. 


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Scar is intrigued by his new partially legal racing team's mechanic, named 'Birdie'.

Grian really just wants to escape his past and the cult that is very much attempting to find him.

Pearl isn't giving up on finding her brother. She knows he's out there somewhere, and she'll be damned if the mysterious clues and circumstances go ignored.

-Yes, this is a street-racing AU. No, I don't know shit about cars. Will I study? Yes.

-Woo 3 POVs at once!!! 

-there isn't hybrids in this au, only cyborgs bc cyborgs are too cool

That's it.


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"apparently not all gods are like, cool" (wip title work with me guys)

Impulse brings the book. Tango, X and Cleo get the ingredients.

The hermits, or idiots in college (TM), summon a god who turns out to just be a depressed college kid. So what else can they do but..


-woo magic


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"clockers modern fam au" (expertly titled by my hasty notes)

Scar has a pretty nice life. He has friends (the nearby Charles family, which consist of Pearl & Jimmy), family, and good grades.

Then the new kid arrives. The Charles family had a reputation for fostering, but they'd mostly stopped as their kids (Jimmy, adopted & Pearl- technically biological. We don't question it) grew older. That's strange, but it gets strange. The kid himself handles things with sharp glares and a drawling tone, and frankly, it intrigues Scar beyond compare.

- pearl gets lesbian mums

-'your honor, their love is requited, their just too dumb to realize it'


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" 6,7,8"

Pearl joins in Season 6.

Grian accidentally joins in Season 8. Some bullshit reason why he can't stay (cult or like time traveler yk)


-i don have bullet points for this


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ok that's it.

here are the actual notes, taken from my notes page :3

apparently not all gods are like, cool : Summoning a god but its a depressed college kid ( grian )

clockers modern fam au : Idea - clockers modern fam au, 17 scar, pearl + jimmy are sibs and live mext door. scarred gri comes to live with them, after his stint at 12 for abit

6,7,8: pearl joins in season 6 but gri joins accidentally in 8 and is too timid to tell pearl he needs to gtfu and find taurtis ( bf at time ) , so theyve been writing letters (but i scrapped the last part bc i cant decipher it)

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