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Someone was nudging your body to wake you up

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Someone was nudging your body to wake you up. You lifted a hand to rub your eyes and you opened them seeming kurina up close and in your personal bubble

You pushed her face away with your hand "so close.." you grunted and fixed your sitting position
"Idiot! It's 6pm and you're still sleeping in the gym!" She scolded and placed her knuckles against your hips

Your hand felt a little different so you looked at it, bonding bandages were wrapped around your finger joints. They were really tight, did kurina wrap them?
"Coach said you injured your knee a little, maybe it was that jump you did last second" she hummed in thought

You lifted your leg and winced "ow, my knee does hurt"
You noticed your knee was also wrapped with bandages, you guessed it was the vice coach who wrapped you up- she's kinda the one with the only medical knowledge

"You want me to carry you?" She asked, joking. But if you said yes she definitely would
You stood up and stretched, ignoring the extreme throbbing in your knee
"I'll be fine" you said as you limped away

You felt your phone buzz in your bag so you dug it out

(6:23) new message from 'winter'
You clicked on the notification and unlocked your phone with your Face ID

winter:(6:23) 'u were very cool out there 👍'
A smile ghosted on your lips as you started typing
Me:(6:24) 'when did u leave? Are you still at school?'
Winter is typing...
Winter:(6:24) 'I left after helping u with your finger joints and knee, the game was boring since u weren't playing'
Winter is typing...
Winter:(6:24) 'I'm at soccer practice, get me pineapple juice plz'

you blinked a few times rereading his texts,

'I left after helping u with your finger joints and knee,'
So he was the one who wrapped the bandages? He must know how to do that since it's so well wrapped

"Who you textin'?" Kurina asked after changing her clothes, she hooked an arm around your neck and peeked at your phone, your privacy didn't exist around her.

"Oh yeah, he was the one that wrapped your knee" she said, chewing on a bar she pulled out from nowhere
"And you didn't plan on telling me that?" You glared at her "it's important?"
You shook your head "oh I get it.. you need more stuff to fangirl over- OW"
Her head sizzled after you punched her

Your eyebrow was twitched in anger, face red in embarrassment

"How about we go get him pineapple juice yeah?" She said with a sheepish smile
You rolled your eyes

You stood in the empty soccer field, were they not practicing here? You took out your phone to text nagi

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You stood in the empty soccer field, were they not practicing here? You took out your phone to text nagi

Your phone buzzed,
(6:41) new message from 'lil bro'

You sighed and ignored it, clicking onto nagi's contact
Me:(6:41) 'where are you guys practicing?'
Winter is typing...
Winter:(6:42) 'I got benched.😐'

You stifled a laugh
Me:(6:42) 'why? You didn't put enough effort?'
Winter:(6:42) 'I was spending 2 much time on my phone'
You laughed

"Whatcha laughing at?" Kurina asked "they're in the gym cmon" she said as she took your hand and started walking along side with you.

"Nagi got benched because he spent too much time on his phone"
Kurina snaps her fingers "there's a French word for this..acro!" She said with pride
"Where did French come from?" You quickly pulled out your phone to text nagi back

Me:(6:45) 'you're too addicted to your games😂'
Winter is typing...
Winter:(6:46) 'I've only been using it 2 talk 2 u'

Your cheeks turned rosy "we're here, ready to give your boyfriend some pineapple juice?" Kurina asked you with a grin "boyfriend?-"
"Kurina-san!" Someone called out from afar

You turned your heads to the source of the voice and saw reo jogging towards the both of you
"Ohh mikage-chan, I forgot you were in the team as well'

Reo's face seemed to have lost colour "haha.." he said with a tight smile "you two gonna watch us practice?" He asked the both of you
"I'm actually here to just give nagi this-" kurina interrupted you "yup! We were a little bored so we decided to come watch"

"But now that I remembered you were in the team- I'm interested in watching how you play mikage-chan"
The two started chatting together, you felt out of place. Like you were third wheeling
You pressed your lips into a thin line

"Then only focus on me, kurina-san." Reo said, but quickly got flustered
Kurina smiles and leaned her body weight on her other foot "sure, I was planning on doing that anyway.."

You quickly scooted away from them, you were tired of their flirting. You looked around the large gym in search for the familiar pale haired man

You felt a buzz in you jacket pocket so you took your phone out and unlocked it

Winter:(6:53) 'I'm looking straight at you lol'
You blinked a few times
Winter:(6:53) sent a photo

You clicked on the photo, it was a picture of you looking around. Seemingly confused and lost
Me:(6:54) 'where are you?'
Winter is typing...
Winter:(6:54) '🤷'

You looked at the picture again, trying to figure out the angle he took that from.. it seemed to be a corner of the gym

You looked at the corner that was on your top right and saw nagi sitting on the benches, playing on his ds

You sighed and jogged over to him
"There you are" you placed the pineapple juice beside him "what are you playing?" You asked as you sat down beside him

"I don't know, I just found a card on the floor and used it" you gave him a blank stare, what if there was a virus in that card and he completely ruins his ds
"Are you not scared of getting a virus?" You asked him, he shrugged his shoulders

"I didn't get one so what's the point in being scared?" You sighed
You noticed the coach was taking people out so you quickly snatched nagi's ds
"I was mid game-" "go play" you noticed the coach whistling and nodding towards nagi

Nagi sighs "I don't wanna play" he complained "I didn't want to play either, but I did. So just go"
Nagi glances at you and nods "okay" he walked onto the field

Now you we're gonna watch nagi play, again

Winter ❤︎︎ springWhere stories live. Discover now