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"Hey" kurina greets as she sat down on the other side of the booth, facing you as she immediately picked up the menu to look at it and find a drink or snack she would want to try You sighed "i asked you to come here to talk yet here you are lookin...

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"Hey" kurina greets as she sat down on the other side of the booth, facing you as she immediately picked up the menu to look at it and find a drink or snack she would want to try
You sighed "i asked you to come here to talk yet here you are looking at the menu before looking at me"

you planted your elbow on the table and leaned your cheek against your knuckles
"Not my fault you were a fatass and invited me over to a cafe" she sticks her tongue out as she peeked over the menu. You rolled your eyes "what did you want to talk about anyway? I'm listening" she hummed and you kissed your teeth

"You know how.. the whole japan's national soccer team just— ghosted me out of a sudden" she nods and you continue "well, I saw sae and shidou at the game last week. Obviously, I forgave shidou because his reason made sense, it was weird but he's weird so it was fitting but.."

"Sae, his reason just had a bunch of holes in it, and— it just made me mad" you scowled "I really thought I managed to get my anger under control but it just suddenly came back when sae spoke. He had me pissed off" you tell her and went silent when she waved a waiter over and gave the worker her order before placing the menu down as the worker left. Giving you her full attention

Kurina sighs "your anger issues is something that won't ever go away, y/n. You can find out ways to calm yourself down, to control your anger and be happy for once but it's never just gonna... disappear. Your anger issues is a part of you, it's a part of your person. Nothing can change that"

"No matter how hard you try, you will always have problems with your anger"

"No matter how long you keep it under control, there's always gonna be times where it resurfaces and you find yourself feeling like fourteen years old you" she crossed her arms over the table

You pressed your lips into a fine line, it was scary just how much kurina was able to understand you. How much she knew you to a point where she knew what you were able to get rid of and what you couldn't. But at the same time, you we're grateful for it

"But, why was he making you angry?" She asks "his explanation was that he and shido got their phones taken away because shidou did some weird shit that made one of the workers uncomfortable— that sounds like shidou so I understood that and I also get that he's too poor to buy a new phone so—" you get cut off by Kurina laughing "that really does sound like the truth" she admits honestly

"But sae.. his phone was a new model that came out four months ago when the projected ended six months ago... do you get what I'm trying to say? He had two months to contact me and he didn't. Obviously, I understand that he's a really busy man but.. seriously? Two months and you never had like three minutes of free time to contact me? I know he had my phone number memorized and I didn't change it so I just can't get why he..."

"Maybe he was scared" Kurina shrugged her shoulders "you never know what goes on in the minds of people like that y/n, sae is weird" Kurina smiles and quietly thanks the waiter as her drink gets given to her "maybe he just didn't want to text you" your eyes widened and your heart clenched at her words

"You've grown, y/n. It's been over a year now without your cousin— you got used to his absence. Don't stress yourself over this, please?"

"Y/n?" The older woman called out as she looked at you who stood at her doorway "whats the matter? Why are you here so late?" She asked, visibly tired since you probably woke her up from knocking on the door at the middle of the night

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"Y/n?" The older woman called out as she looked at you who stood at her doorway "whats the matter? Why are you here so late?" She asked, visibly tired since you probably woke her up from knocking on the door at the middle of the night

"Is... is seishiro here?" You asked, miss nagi rubbed her eyes before looking at you properly
"Well— yes, he's here, but I'm pretty sure hes sleeping. May I ask why?" She asked
"I just... I just need comfort?" You chuckled nervously, a sheepish smile on your lips

"Someone who just cut all contact with me apologized to me a couple days ago, but his apology was... bad, to say the least. And I'm getting mixed feelings, I don't know if I'm angry, happy, sad or whatever it is. I just thought that maybe talking to seishiro about it would help" you explained, leaving out the details

"I had my modelling appointments today so I couldn't come earlier, sorry." She hums before nodding "I see, come in, come in!" She rushed as she stepped to the side to let you in which you gladly accepted her invitation, taking off your shoes once you got it and she closed the door behind you

"Well, his room didn't change, I'm sure you remember where it is?" She asked for confirmation and you nodded " I do" she smiles "great! Then I'll be returning to bed if you don't mind. Get better soon, okay?" She pinched your cheek before quickly rushing away and storming into her room

You sweat dropped, "...thank you" you muttered before standing up straight again and walking to nagi's room door. Your knuckles hovered over the hard wooden, you contemplated whether you should knock or not. Not knocking and just walking in would be really creepy but knowing him, he wouldn't care

But if you knocked... he would have to get up and do all that. You sighed before pushing the door open "seishiro?" You called out in the pitch darkness, you saw a dim light emitting from the bed and you heard some ruffling, meaning he was moving "y/n?" He questioned, unsure since he couldn't see you "..yeah" you confirmed

"Why are you here?" He asks and you stepped into the room, closing the door behind you and just standing there "this is a little odd but... something happened and I don't know how to feel about it. All I know is that I want to be with you" you rubbed the back of your neck

"Come" you heard him patting the covers "can I really?" You hesitated "yes, why would I say 'come' then?" You didn't waste any time in slipping into the covers and crawling into his embrace

"I'm sorry" you apologized "this is probably so weird for you, especially since it's the middle of the night. But I just really needed this and my schedule was packed all day" nagi shows you his little phone screen,

So the light was from his phone

"It's okay" he reassured "i was still awake anyway, I was playing cookie run" he hums, you sweat dropped "why am I the only one hugging right now" you closed your eyes to enjoy his warmth and he chuckled. His voice deeper since it was night "sorry" he shuts his phone off and placed it on his bedside table

He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and kept his head on his pillow

"This is so weird" you muttered "how are you so normal about this? Some random lady just showing up and clinging onto you like this.."

"Well, you're not a random lady. You're the girl I like, so it's fine" your ears flushed at his confession even though you already knew he liked you. How could he say it so casually
"You're not gonna ask about what happened?" He shook his head "I think I already know"

"If it's about the older itoshi brother then he came up to me a couple days ago and asked me how I got you to forgive me" you sighed "yeah, it's about him"

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