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You were with your pepper partner- every loud sound of you smacking the ball made your mind feel at ease

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You were with your pepper partner- every loud sound of you smacking the ball made your mind feel at ease... bit by bit
"You okay y/n? You seem bothered by something" your friend, kurina asked you
"I'm fine kurina, don't worry about it. It's just people pissing me off" kurina giggled, "that's not surprising new, is it?" You rolled your eyes at her remark, but a smile ghosted on your lips

"Apparently there's gonna be a basketball game soon, your little crush will be there" you pressed your lips into a thin line as your cheeks dusted pink. You pushed the ball into the air towards Kurina and she moved a little before smacking it to you. You pressed your hands together to bump it back into the air

"What was his name again?" She asked "Yamato..." you answered for her "ah- that's right! What do you even see in him anyways. He's ugly"

"And who do you propose is better?" You raised an eyebrow at her and she hummed
"I mean, you said you like guys that are taller than you and could probably throw you across the room right?" She got into deep thought and stopped peppering with you

She snapped her fingers once she got an idea "ah, nagi seishiro in the males soccer team!" She suggested. You scoffed "that popular boy that's extremely slow?" "What do you mean slow, he's actually very fast-" "I mean, he's slow in the head. Kurina." Kurina sweat drops "right."

You fell silent for some time and you sighed as you held the ball between your inner elbow? And hip
"You don't understand Kurina, Yamato- he just makes me feel at peace... he's so sweet and caring, it's hard to find men like that in this generation you know?" Kurina rolls her eyes

"Yeah right, if youve seen the things I saw him do you'd probably think hes like any other guy."
Your cheeks dusted pink "he calls me cute names Kurina... he called me sweetheart this morning!" You fangirled

Kurina looked at you with worry, she's warned you many times that he would break your heart but you never listened. You were just stubborn like that
"Listen, how about we go watch the soccer match instead of the basketball one- they're both happening at the same time..." you dribbled the ball as you stood

"Why? What's the point of going to the soccer match? I don't even like soccer that much-" "but you don't like basketball either, but you still go to the matches to watch your little crush play and flirt with other girls" Kurina said as she folded her arms over her chest

"Y/n, you've got a visitor!" The vice-coach yelled and you turned your head towards the entrance of the gym

"Speak of the devil" Kurina sighed

Yamato was there, leaning against the doorframe with a smile on his face. He had the basketball jersey on so you guessed he just finished practice

You jogged over to him with pink cheeks "Yamato-san!" You called out, a faint smile on your lips
"Y/n" he smiled, making your heart skip a beat "what are you doing here?" You asked

"Just wanted to see my favourite girl, why?, you didn't want me to pay a visit?" He asked and you rolled your eyes "of course I did" Yamato reaches his hand out to take yours

He brought your knuckles to his lips and kissed your hand, making you a little surprised
"I was wondering if you wanted to stay after school? Maybe play a little bit of basketball together... just us" he suggested and you watched as his eyes seemed to be looking at someone behind you

You looked over your shoulder to see one of your teammates smiling and waving at him, he winked at her and looked back at you "so, what do you think?" He said as he lets go of your hand and stands up straight

You sweatdropped at the height difference, it wasn't because he was taller... it was more because you were taller
"...sure, but why did you wink at my teammate?" You asked and he chuckled "she's friends with my sister- it's my sisters birthday tomorrow and we're planning a surprise party" he explained and you nodded

You felt little spurts of anger bubbling up inside of you, you knew damn well that was excuse instead of an explanation "okay.." he tilted his head sideways a little "what's wrong? You seem to be upset"

You pressed your lips into a thin line "nothing, I'm just having a bad day with volleyball." That was a little hypocritical of you, to be getting upset at him for making up an excuse when you just did the same thing

"Well, I'll see you later alright? Make sure to come to my basketball game, seeing your pretty face will give me some motivation" he winked as he tilted his head upwards to look at you

You plastered a smile on your face and waved "okay, I'll see you later Yamato-san" you slightly bowed and once he left you closed the door

You turned around and saw Kurina with her arms crossed, glaring at you "what?" You asked, confused
"How can you like a boy that has to look up to see you when you say your type is taller guys?" She asked you and you shrugged your shoulders

"I dont know, I can't control my feelings like that" Kurina rolls her eyes and walks with you to the net
"Sometimes I wonder how he even got into the basketball team..." she sighed and shook her head
"Whatever, Mei told me the other team is gonna be easy since they're all shorties" she explained as she waved to said Mei

"Shorties? How tall are they?" You asked her with a raised eyebrow "as tall as your little crush" she said as she adjusted the net

You pressed your lips in a thin line and looked away from your friend, ashamed

She wasn't wrong, Yamato was around 5'5 and you were almost 5'11, so was Kurina

Your black haired friend sighs "I really think you should start learning more about nagi- he's like 6'4 or 6'6 I talked to him once and I had to literally look up to see his face" she huffed

You rolled your eyes "the guy is lazy Kurina- he doesn't put effort into anything, how am I supposed to know that even if I don't think this will ever happen... how am I supposed to know that he's gonna put effort into me?" You glanced at her from the corner of your eye

"I mean, he actually puts effort into spending time with reo-chan."
You looked at her with a 'are you serious' face "mikage-san is his bestfriend Kurina... and 'reo-chan'? Seriously?" She giggles "it's a cute name no?"

You sigh and shake your head "don't play with someone's feelings Kurina" you muttered before turning to one of your teammates
"Are you mentally challenged!? Why are you on the court when you sprained your ankle two days ago!" You yelled

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