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You dropped the dumbbells when you felt your phone buzz, wiping the sweat that formed on the palm of yours hands on your grey sweatpants

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You dropped the dumbbells when you felt your phone buzz, wiping the sweat that formed on the palm of yours hands on your grey sweatpants

You sat with your legs open, leaning over a little. Placing your elbows on your knees and holding the phone with one hand while the other draped on your thigh

The necklace Kurina had given you dangled and glistened in the air as it hung from your neck
A man glanced at you before walking over to you

Winter:(1:43pm) 'u wanna meet my mom?'
You were about to start typing until you felt someone tap your shoulder, the man had long blonde hair with blue fade-outs tied into a bun- "what do you want?" You asked, a little meaner than you intended as you took off your headphones

"I never expected to see a woman like you in Japan.. how old are you?" He asked, he had a..German? Accent

You knew German fluently! This was your time to shine,, you hid your grin and waved your hand
"Lass mich in Ruhe, du siehst aus wie ein Erwachsener und ich bin minderjährig (leave me alone, you look like an adult and I'm a minor"

A deep chuckle escaped his throat "you speak German? I'm surprised, you seem fluent as well. But yeah, you're right- I'm twenty two, I just wanted to ask.. how are you able to live knowing you're not beautiful in Japan?" You sighed and stood up, revealing your height

"And you're tall too! You sure don't seem like a minor" he said as he stared at you head to toe

The black long sleeve compression shirt you wore was tight around you- the blonde noticed your defined abdomen muscle, biceps, triceps and forearms.. you were damn muscular for a woman, but you still looked good. How?

You kissed your teeth and placed a hand on your hip "' I don't know, how many dumbbells thrown onto your head will it take to kill you?" The blonde went silent yet he still smiled

"Probably.. two?" He asked, was he seriously answering the question? Just how oblivious was he?
"Alright then," you lifted the eighty pound dumbbells you were using earlier and lifted it to above his head. He laughed loudly "those look light- have you tried lifting forty pounds?" You gave him a blank stare

Could he not read the weight carved into the sides? "Let's test to see if your head will be able to lift them then"

He chuckled "none sense, they're really light anyways. Let me show you" he grabbed the dumbbell from you and his hand practically fell to his side, the veins on his forearm popping out

You smiled "mind putting them away for me? I gotta text my boyfriend back, bye bye" you waved as you started walking but you felt a hand on your shoulder

You were so close to just calling sae but you didn't want to bother him... again.

Nagi was wondering what was taking you so long to answer, he stared at the 'seen' under his message

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Nagi was wondering what was taking you so long to answer, he stared at the 'seen' under his message. He knew you were at the gym right now, would you send him a picture if he asked? He wanted to see your face

His excitement level rushed when he finally saw you typing

Spring (ง'̀-'́)ง: (1:56pm) 'sorry I was taking care of something'
Spring (ง'̀-'́)ง is typing...
Spring (ง'̀-'́)ง sent a photo

Nagi clicked onto the photo and saw you sitting on what seemed to be someone's back?.. he saw a bit of blonde hair too, who was that?

Spring (ง'̀-'́)ง is typing...
Spring (ง'̀-'́)ง: (1:57pm) 'i don't know who it is, but he randomly just came up to me and started asking me a bunch of questions. He ended up saying I was a bitch so I made him my dog'

Me:(1:57pm) 'wow, how did you do that?'
Spring (ง'̀-'́)ง...
Spring (ง'̀-'́)ง: (1:57pm) 'kicked him in the balls, he fell on his knees so I took that as my chance. Now he can't get up cause I'm too heavy'

Nagi cocked an eyebrow, just how weak was the guy? You weren't heavy at all, just because you weren't skin and bones like almost all of Japan's population.. doesn't make you big or anything like that, actually big in two specific areas but still

Nagi clicked on the camera option and 'flip camera' he took a photo of him holding his Nintendo and playing a pixel game you probably didn't know

Spring (ง'̀-'́)ง is typing...
Spring (ง'̀-'́)ง:(2:00pm) 'to the moon? I've seen the gameplay of the game'

Your cheeks dusted pink, how was nagi's hands so veiny? And the Nintendo looked so small compared to his hands- how was he even able to play!
You sighed dramatically and decided to send a risky text

Winter:(12:00pm) 'do you want to play? I'll give you my Nintendo for a day'
Even better! Now you had a smarter reply in mind

"Ugh.. can you get off, your heavy and I cant support myself-" you placed a leg on top of the other

"No, you said you were stronger than me right? How are you complaining about my body weight when you're on all fours and I can literally do handstands."

Me:(12:01pm) 'will you come over then? I need you, shiro'
At the same time, nagi had sent you a photo
You clicked on it and it was a small kitten laying on his chest. Why the hell did he have a cat? Since when did he have one? And damn his neck, collarbones, shoulders and pecs look good without a shirt!

You giggled "man, I sure do have the best boyfriend ever" the blonde rolled his eyes.
"Get off" he demanded "give me a minute" he sighs, not wanting to be your chair any longer. It was harming his ego

Winter is typing...
Your heartbeat was quicker, how would he reply to that! You decide to go even further,a grin crawling it's way into your lips

Me:(2:03pm) ➤replying to photo 'very cute cat but I wish that was me. Just being honest 🤷'
You added that last part so you didn't seem as desperate- you were desperate but he couldn't know that.

Winter:(2:04pm)➤replying to text 'how bad?'
Winter is typing...
Winter:(2:04pm) 'it could be you, at any time you want.'

Your eyes flew out of its sockets, if nagi used 'you' instead of 'u' that meant he was being really really serious! If you were a guy, you'd be bricked right now
"Finally you're leaving!"the man whined as you got up and grabbed your stuff, ready to leave this wretched place

Me:(2:05pm) 'you must be serious if you're using 'you' instead of 'u', also I forgot to answer but, I'd love to meet your mother'

Winter is typing...
Winter:(2:05pm) 'are your parents home?'

Nagi stated at the message he sent and glanced at the kitten that was laying on his chest. His mother gave it to him saying it would be his responsibility to take care of it so that he doesn't get bored when she leaves

He rubbed its head with his pointer finger "cute.." he muttered

Spring (ง'̀-'́)ง:(2:05pm) 'no, my mom is staying with my grandmother for two days'
Spring (ง'̀-'́)ง is typing...
Spring (ง'̀-'́)ง:(2:06pm) 'you gonna come over?'

Nagi quickly started tapping his thumbs on the screen

Me: (2:06pm) 'maybe'
Spring (ง'̀-'́)ง is typing...
Spring (ง'̀-'́)ง sent a photo
Spring (ง'̀-'́)ง is typing...
Spring (ง'̀-'́)ง:(2:06pm) 'after workout, they look more defined'

Nagi clicked onto the photo faster than an active rocket ship launching, if you said that it meant you sent a picture of your...

His cheeks dusted pink and he lets go of his phone, the device falling onto his bed making a soft 'thuff' sound

His forearm rested over his eyes as his lips parted

You had sent him a picture of your abs but you weren't wearing a shirt. So nagi could see your bra and curse you and your chest because that bra looked way too small. It's as if they were suffocating in there- hanging on by a thread

Nagi looks at the kitten "should I go over to her house?" He asked it and it meowed

Winter ❤︎︎ springWhere stories live. Discover now