17. Vidai/Griha Pravesh

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Natasha's POV

During the emotional vidai ceremony, I humbly bent down to touch the feet of my elders, seeking their blessings. However, their smiles were minimal, and their gestures seemed distant. It pained me deeply to feel this disconnect, wondering what I had done to deserve such coldness from them.

Moving on to my father, both Siddharth and I bowed to touch his feet, receiving his blessings. Yet, his words were devoid of warmth as he handed me over to Siddharth.

"I entrust my daughter to you, and I expect you to treat her well," he stated with a hint of detachment, and I knew the reasons behind it all too well.

Siddharth responded with reassuring words and a charming smile, "don't worry,dad,your daughter is now My Wife, and I'll treat her better than anyone in this world"

Despite his assurances, I couldn't shake off the nagging doubts, hoping fervently that his words were sincere and not mere empty promises.

As the guests whispered and glanced in my direction, I realized they were noting my lack of tears during the vidai. I couldn't bring myself to cry, not because I didn't value my relationship with my parents, but because I couldn't bear the thought of returning to this place for the pag phera ceremony. The pain of the past was still fresh, and I longed for a sense of peace and distance from it all.

I hoped earnestly that Siddharth's family would prove to be different, that their words would hold true, and that I could find the happiness and stability I so desperately sought in my new life.

Sitting beside Siddharth in the beautifully decorated car, I found myself lost in contemplation as the driver began to navigate through the streets.

The passing scenery outside the window seemed to blur as my mind wandered, contemplating the new chapter of my life that was unfolding before me.Thoughts swirled in my mind, a mix of excitement, apprehension, and a tinge of sadness for the life I was leaving behind.

Yet, amidst the whirlwind of emotions, there was a glimmer of hope, a sense of anticipation for the journey ahead.As the car cruised along the familiar roads, I couldn't help but reflect on the significance of this moment.

It was the beginning of a new adventure, a journey filled with unknowns and possibilities. I knew that challenges lay ahead, but I was determined to face them with courage and resilience.

We arrived at his house, and with Siddharth's assistance, I stepped out of the car. My eyes widened in shock as I beheld the beautifully decorated mansion before me. Siddharth led me to the main gate, and as I entered, fireworks erupted, surprising me. His cousins surrounded us, setting off party poppers.

"Welcome to your new house, bhabhi," they exclaimed in unison, leaving me speechless.

The band began to play, and I glanced at Siddharth, who smiled back at me. Turning my gaze forward, I saw his mother holding a garland made of money, each bill worth 500.

"Why all this, Aunty?" I asked, puzzled.

"We're welcoming our new daughter into our home. And don't call me aunty, call me mom," she replied with a chuckle, attempting to place the garland around my neck.

"Ye sb kuch jyada hee h,Paisa ka har or ye sb kuch,"  I protested, halting her.

"It's too much, all of this money garland and everything,"

"Tumhare liye kuch jyada nahi,beta,You deserve the best," she insisted, smiling warmly. Siddharth's father joined us, adding, "Haa,Mera baccha. Tum ye sb deserve krti ho,or hum tumse bohut pyaar krte h,"

"Nothing is too much for you, my dear. You deserve the best"
"Yes, my child. You deserve all of this, and we love you dearly."

Overwhelmed, I relented, allowing them to place the garland around my neck. These gestures of love were foreign to me, and I was moved beyond words.

As we continued towards the main door, the elders of the family gathered, each holding a bouquet of flowers with a note attached.

"Welcome to your new home, our precious daughter," they said with genuine smiles.

Unable to contain my emotions any longer, tears streamed down my face. "Thank you so much for all of this. I don't even deserve such treatment," I managed to say amidst sobs.

"Don't cry, my child," his mother said, gently wiping away my tears. Siddharth embraced me from behind, echoing her sentiment. "It pains me to see you cry, my dear," he murmured, wiping my tears as well.

With their reassurance and comfort, I gradually regained composure, deeply touched by their overwhelming display of affection.

As we entered inside, his mother brought the puja thali and began performing the aarti for us. Then, a plate filled with alta was placed in front of me on the floor as part of a ritual. I stood on the plate, with Siddharth holding my hand for support, but his cousin brothers stopped me as I tried to step outside.

"Wait, wait, bhabhi, not now," Rohit exclaimed, while Ayush dashed inside.

"Why?" I inquired, puzzled, as everyone else shared my confusion.

"Wait, you'll find out soon," Rohit replied with a smile, though I remained perplexed.

Moments later, Ayush returned, holding two white kurtas. He placed one on the floor in front of the thali.

"Bhabhi, we want your footprints on our kurtas. We'll wear them on your first anniversary," Ayush explained with a grin, leaving me once again astonished.

Laughter filled the room as everyone agreed with their idea. Though hesitant at first, I couldn't muster the courage to deny their heartfelt request. So, I stepped onto the kurtas, leaving my footprints, and repeated the gesture with the other one.

They both picked up their kurtas, beaming at me.

"Thank you so much, bhabhi," they said, and I returned their smiles.

After everyone dispersed to their respective rooms, Siddharth and I headed towards our bedroom. As we approached, Siddharth paused and said, "You go inside, I'll be there in a moment," before stepping away.

I entered the room, and the first thing that caught my eye was a gun lying on the bed. Approaching it cautiously, I reached out and touched its cold metal, feeling a shiver run down my spine. The weight of it felt heavy in my hand, causing me to gulp nervously before carefully placing it back on the bed.

Who sleeps with a gun beside them?

Taking a deep breath, I decided to explore the room further. I opened a random drawer, and a gasp escaped my lips as my eyes widened at the sight of more guns and bullets inside. Alongside them were small knives, causing a knot of unease to form in my stomach.

Wtf is all these?why he have these deadly things in his room?

Feeling unsettled by the discovery, I hurriedly made my way to the bathroom to change, eager to put the unsettling sight behind me.


So here is the vidai and girah pravesh chapter

Hope y'all enjoyed it as well ❤️

Follow me on Instagram for edits and spoilers ✨

Ig:- authornehasaikia


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