34. Who is Giovanni?

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Natasha's POV

Currently, Siddharth is sitting in the living room with a book in his hands, he seems focused I don't want to disturb him but I really want to ask him something.

I walk towards him and sit on the couch beside, he immediately wraps his arm around my waist pulling me close to him and I rest my head on his shoulder.

I love how he always stays in touch whenever he is around me.


"Yes, love?"

"I want to..ask something" I hesitated and he closed the book placed it aside and turned his full attention to me.

"What is it love?"

"I actually.." I hesitated still doubting will he agree or not, "I want to complete my collage..please?" I asked looking at him and he smiled stroking my hair.

"I was about to ask you the same thing, of course, you can" I was happy to hear that.

"Really? I can complete my collage?" He nodded with a smile and I hugged him tightly, "I'm so happy thank you so much"

"You're most welcome my dear"

I pulled away from the hug looking at him, "From when I can go then?"

"From next week, I will take out the form for admission to your college you don't have to worry about anything" I smiled upon hearing that, I was already so excited about that.

Time passes...

I was just chilling sitting on the couch watching TV as Siddharth was busy with his official work, but then suddenly I heard the sound of hun firing, I started to panic and Siddharth rushed out of the room.

I didn't get to ask him what was wrong as he went to check what was going on through the window.

I followed him and I could hear him whisper, "Giovanni's men, shit" I was really confused, Who is Giovanni?

"Come here," He grabs my arm and leads me upstairs in a hurry, I was so confused and worried about the situation.

He closed the bedroom door and seemed worried, locking all the windows and closing the curtains he came to me gripping my arms, "Don't come out of here okay? don't come out of here until I tell you to..and don't try to peek at what is happening outside by the window" I nodded and was about to ask something but he left locking me inside.

What is happening? I'm scared..the sound of a gun firing is terrifying me so much.

However, I peeked outside ever so slightly and what I saw next shocked me so much.

Siddharth had a gun in his hand, he was shooting the men, and he was killing them, no.

The gun fell from his hand as a man attacked him from behind.

"No," A slight whisper left my mouth as I witnessed the scene, I quickly ran towards the door trying to open it but it was locked from the outside.

I ran back to the window to see what happened, and Siddharth was sitting on top of that man stabbing him with a knife.

I feel dizzy, no it can't be, it's a dream it's a nightmare again no.

I looked around and saw a clock, things like a clock or time don't exist in a dream, am I not dreaming? Can't it be a horrible dream?

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around, "Sid-" This isn't Siddharth.

The strange man grinned sadistically, "What a beauty like you doing alone in a room?" He smirked and I stepped back, but my back hit the window, and I couldn't move back. The man pinned me against the window and chuckled darkly.

"What a beauty...looks like I hit the jackpot today" His fingers ran down my cheek feeling disgusted I pushed him away.

"Go away," I shouted, he smirked and stepped forward again gripping my chin firmly.

"Such a feisty little thing isn't you darlin-" Someone threw the man away and he fell on the floor with a groan.

It was Siddharth, covered in blood, not his own but somebody else's, He cupped my face, "You okay?" But my voice was stuck in my throat seeing him like this.

The man got up and tried to attack again but in a swift motion, Siddharth grabbed the knife from the fruit basket which was on the table beside and...Stabbed him.

I gasped and covered my mouth in shock, the blood splashed on Siddharth but it didn't fall on me as he was standing in front of me.

Another horrific scene I witnessed.

The man fell on the floor screaming in pain as the knife was inside his stomach.

Siddharth grinned in satisfaction, almost in a creepy way.

Sid got on top of the man took out the knife from the man's stomach and ran the knife on the man's cheek.

"How does it feel? painful? This is what you get in return when you touch what's mine" Siddharth laughed in a cruel way which scared the hell out of me.

I didn't get to say anything and Siddharth took the man's eyes out with the knife, and the man died.

I screamed loudly sitting on the floor, Siddharth turned his gaze toward me and his grin faded, it was like he realized something.

"N-Natasha I-" He started walking toward me with the blooded knife in his hand, I screamed more while crying.

"NOO! GO AWAY GO AWAY!!!" He threw the knife away and started walking toward me with concern visible in his eyes.

I started crying hard, "HELP!!" My mind...stopped working after witnessing such a horrific scene.

I wanted the window behind me to consume me whole to make me disappear from here.

"Natasha please listen to me love" He knelt in front of me and I tried to move back but couldn't.

I cried harder, "Nooo let me gooo!! I didn't kill your son I didn't"

"Son?" He whispered and darkness consumed me whole before I fell unconscious.


I hope you guys enjoyed this part

don't forget to vote and comment

you can follow me on ig for edits and spoilers

Ig: authornehasaikia

bye bye 🍃


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