22. Panic attack

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Natasha's POV

As I draped my saree, getting ready for another day in my new house, everything seemed to be going well. I hoped that everything would remain the same in the future as well.

I wore a pair of anklets with my saree, which looked very beautiful and I really loved them. Siddharth was still sleeping, so I chose not to bother him.

It was 7 AM, so I decided to do the rest of the work in the house as my duty.

I went downstairs and saw a few maids already busy with their work, from cleaning the house to making breakfast. I noticed Siddharth's Chachi (Nandani) and walked up to

"Good morning, Chachi," I said with a smile as she turned her attention to me.

"Good morning, my child," she replied with a smile.

"Where is Siddharth?" she asked.

"He is still sleeping," I said as she rolled her eyes.

"He has the habit of sleeping this late. Go wake him up," she said. I started walking back upstairs, but I stopped midway and turned to her.

"Chachi, what if he gets mad?" I asked, feeling a little nervous. She smiled reassuringly.

"No, he won't, my dear. And if he does, then tell us. We are here to protect you," Chachi said reassuringly as I nodded.

"Okay," I said and walked back upstairs to our bedroom.

I walked down the hallway, the sound of my anklets echoing softly. Gently, I pushed open the door of our bedroom and stepped inside, closing the door behind me.

Approaching the bed, I felt a bit hesitant.

"Siddharth?" I called out his name softly.

When he didn't wake up, I shook his arm gently. "Siddharth?" I called out softly again, and he opened his eyes, looking at me.

Feeling a bit nervous, I hesitantly spoke up. "Chachi told me... to wake you up," I said.

"Hmm?" He hummed softly, rubbing his eyes.

Seeming still half asleep, he greeted me with a smile. "Good morning, wife," he said.

"Good morning," I greeted him back.

"You should wake up now," I insisted, but he made an annoyed expression.

"It's just 7:15, let me sleep some more," he complained, burying his face in the pillow.

"But Chachi told me to wake you up," I reminded him, but he persisted.

"5 more minutes," he said, and I chuckled.

"Why are you like a kid-" I stopped mid-sentence, remembering his reply from last night.

He lifted his head and looked at me with a confused frown. "Kid what?" he asked.

I cleared my throat nervously. "Uh... ummm... nothing, just wake up already," I replied, feeling a bit flustered.

He grinned. "Heh, I haven't even done anything, and you're already blushing. Cute," he said with a chuckle.

I blush a little. "Why do you always call me nicknames but never my name?" I asked while looking at him.

"Why? Can't I call my wife different nicknames?" He asked, sitting up on the bed.

"No, I mean... you can," I said as he chuckled.

"So what's the problem?" He pulled me closer by my arm.

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