19.First day in Malhotra house

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Natasha's POV

As I woke up to the soft rays of the morning sun gently illuminating the room, I slowly opened my eyes, only to find myself nestled in Siddharth's comforting embrace. A sense of warmth and contentment washed over me as I savored the tender moment, feeling grateful for the love and protection he offered me.

As I tried to slowly extricate myself from Siddharth's arms without disturbing his peaceful slumber, to my surprise, he suddenly pulled me back towards him. Before I could react, I found myself landing on top of him, our bodies pressed close together.

"Kaha Jaa rhi h aap?meri Ardhanagini" he said, a playful grin adorning his face.

"Where are you going?My wife"

My cheeks flushed with color at the endearment, stunned by the sudden movement and his playful tone. Unable to find the right words, I simply gazed at him, feeling a rush of emotions swirling within me.

"I-I have to go," I stammered, attempting to get up, but he held me closer by my waist.

"Go where? That too at 6 in the morning?" he replied, his playful nature still evident in his tone. His warmth and closeness made it difficult for me to leave, but I felt a sense of duty pulling me away.

"It's my first day here, so I have to wake up early, right?" I asked, feeling a bit uncertain.

"No, who said that? You are married to me to be my queen, not to be the maid here, my dear," he reassured me with a playful grin, emphasizing that my happiness and well-being were his priority.

Hearing his words, I was left completely shocked, unable to form a coherent response. As I remained speechless, he gently brushed the strands of hair behind my ear, his touch comforting and reassuring amidst my surprise.

"Sleep now, you can wake whenever you want," he said, pulling me closer and wrapping his arms around me.

"Are you sure?" I asked, feeling touched by his gesture.

He nodded with a smile, continuing to stroke my hair gently, "Of course, my dear. Rest as long as you need."

Feeling comforted by his words and his comforting embrace, I allowed myself to relax and drift back into a peaceful slumber.

Time skip to 9 AM.

As I woke up to the sound of the shower running, I glanced at the clock and realized it was already 9 o'clock. Quickly sitting up, I prepared to get out of bed when Siddharth emerged from the bathroom, clad only in his pants, his shirtless torso glistening with droplets of water. His toned and muscular physique caught my attention, and I couldn't help but admire his appearance as he dried his wet hair with a towel, a smile gracing his lips as he noticed me.

"Good morning, my dear," he greeted with a smile as he walked towards me.

"Good morning," I replied, returning his smile.

However, my attention was immediately drawn to something on the left side of his chest. I noticed my name intricately crafted in henna, and my eyes remained glued to that spot, a mixture of surprise and warmth washing over me.

He chuckled, seemingly noticing my gaze fixated on my name. Sitting beside me with a charming smile, he teased,

"You want to touch it?" His smirk causing my cheeks to flush once again.

I don't understand why the hell he is so flirty

"Uhhh, n-no," I replied, feeling flustered as I looked away, which only made him laugh.

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