3. Murder

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Author's POV

In a dark room illuminated by dim lights and the moonlight peeking through the window, a man sat on a couch with a few pictures and papers scattered on the table in front of him.

He threw his phone on the ground in frustration when she abruptly cut the call on his face. His blood was boiling as he tried to calm himself down. His butler approached him, sensing his agitation.

"Sir?" the butler began tentatively.

"What!?" he glared at him with his eyes filled with red rage.

The butler fell silent, not having the courage to continue.

The man looked away, clenching his jaw angrily, his gaze fixed on the blank wall.

"Sir, you should control your anger. You know very well it's bad for you," the butler continued hesitantly.

"I never asked for your stupid advice," the man said angrily.

The butler remained silent for a few minutes before speaking again, "Sir, the murder you committed last night has been discovered by the police, and they are investigating it based on the signature you left behind."

He scoffed, leaning back on the couch. "Let them do it. I don't care," he said casually.

"But sir, what if they find you?" the butler said, a bit worried.

"They can't," he said, picking up one of the pictures that was lying on the table.

"Anything for her," he said while staring at the picture, which was of Natasha's.

Last night POV

OTP (On the phone)

"Meet me at the abandoned building by midnight at 3:00 AM," he ordered the person on the other side of the call, his voice firm and commanding.

"Okay, boss," the man on the other side said.

They hung up the call, and the boss sat in his car, ready to go. They drove off into the night, heading towards their destination at the abandoned building.

They checked the time, and it was already 2:50 AM.

They arrived at the location, with his guards following him closely. They got out of the car, and it was exactly 3:00 AM, as planned.

"There was a man already standing there, seemingly waiting for someone.

"I'm ready, boss," the man said, holding a bag that seemed heavy.

"Good," the boss replied. "Have you found the location?" he asked.

"Yes, boss, I've found it," the man said, as the boss nodded.

"Let's go then," the boss said, without any emotion.

They drove off again and stopped in front of a luxury apartment building. One by one, they all got inside, moving discreetly, without arousing any suspicion.

"What's the room number where Marco Corvino is staying?" the boss asked the receptionist.

"May I know who you are?" the receptionist asked cautiously.

"Human," the boss replied coldly.

"Uhhh... I know, sir, but may I know your name please?" the receptionist said.

"What if I say it's none of your business," he said, staring at the receptionist intensely.

"Ummm... I'm sorry, sir, but if you don't tell me correctly who you are, then I cannot tell you in which room Mr. Marco is staying."

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