32. Torture her

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Siddharth's POV

I sit in my chair, taking a long drag from my cigarette before blowing the smoke into the air. The slight burning odor of the sanitation chemicals was oddly pleasurable to me, Staring at the woman who was tied to a chair sitting in front of me dead in the eye I took another drag before crushing it under my feet. She looked terrified and that's what I like to see.

Getting up from the chair I stood in front of her, she was sobbing her face was stained in tears I grabbed her chin harshly making her look at me with those teary eyes of hers.

"Why did you lie?" I shouted, my voice filled with rage.

Sarah started crying instead, "I'm sorry," she muttered between sobs.

"That's not the answer to my question,"

She remained silent I left her chin and she lowered her head, "I'm giving you three seconds to answer, and if you don't you'll face the consequences,"


"I'm telling, I'm telling" My lips curled up into a smirk hearing that.

"I-It's because I..." she hesitated

"Should I start counting again?"

"Cause I like you," She confessed and my eyes darkened, so dumb of her to think I would spare her, not after she made Natasha cry and tried to separate us.

"Do you really think I'll leave a diamond for a copper like you?" She stared at me hearing my words.

"The truth is always bitter."

I leaned down to her eye level and gripped her chin, "Do you really think I'll leave my flower for a slut like you? I know how you cheated on your past ex-boyfriends and your high-body count"

Her eyes widened, "W-who told you all this?" I chuckle

"I have each and every piece of information about my employees"

I stood straight, leaving her chin, "It's time you to pay for Natasha's wasted tears."

I look at one of my men, "Put her in the human oven but make sure she doesn't die only her skin should burn, make her suffer in pain"

"W-what? No no please...please boss I'm sorry, please don't kill me I'm sorry," She begged crying hard, but who cares?

"But before that cut her breasts off," Hearing my command my men started moving toward her

"Stop, do this when I leave cause I don't want to see any other women's body,"

Turning around I took my phone from the desk and gestured for them to continue, I walked toward the door, and the room was filled with the screams of Sarah begging and crying to stop, the noise was annoying but at the same time so satisfying, the sound of the fabric ripping echoed and she screamed more the door was closed behind my back.

I walked out of the abandoned warehouse, and just as I did, my phone rang. I checked the caller ID, thinking it was Natasha, but it turned out to be my therapist – the one my dad hired for me. With a pang of annoyance, I picked up the call placing the phone near my ear.

"You're such a pain in the ass goddamn it!" a low growl left my throat

"Sir you have not attended you're therapy sessions for almost a month now, it's important for you to attend them otherwise you know the consequence,"

"Shut the fuck up or I'll shut your eyes forever,"

"Sir but your dad told me to remind you today about this, he told you to attend the sessions regularly, but you were not picking up his calls so he told me to tell you,"

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