13.Engagement ceremony

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Natasha's POV .

I woke up to a beautiful morning, feeling the dry henna on my hands. As I examined them, grateful they hadn't smudged, I heard a familiar knock on the door.

"Yes?" I called out.

"Can I come in, beta?" my chachi's voice came through.

"Yes, yes," I replied, sitting up in bed. Glancing back at the bed, I noticed some traces of dried henna still there.

Chachi entered with a smile that seemed forced. Knowing the strained relationship I had with most of my extended family, her smile didn't surprise me. Placing a bottle of mustard oil beside me, she instructed me to use it to darken the color of my mehndi.

"Your dress and jewelry will be here soon," she added, caressing my head gently before leaving the room.

I followed her advice, heading to the bathroom to remove the henna with mustard oil. The process left a beautiful orange hue on my skin, and the fragrance was comforting. After a refreshing bath, I emerged from the bathroom in my bathrobe.

My eyes widened at the sight of the lehenga before me.

"Oh my god! It looks incredibly expensive," I murmured to myself, approaching it cautiously

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"Oh my god! It looks incredibly expensive," I murmured to myself, approaching it cautiously. The intricate design, adorned with stones and diamonds, spoke of its luxury. As I examined it, I noticed a small note attached.

"Good morning, my soon-to-be daughter-in-law. I'm your mom," the note began. My heart swelled at the term 'mom.'

"This dress is my personal choice, and I hope you like it. If not, please feel free to tell us. We love you dearly; you are like our own daughter. Please don't worry about the price; it's nothing compared to you. We are very eager to see you :) See you soon, my dear."

A smile spread across my face as I read the note. "Thank you," I whispered in joy, feeling overwhelmed with love and gratitude.

As I opened the jewelry box, my eyes widened at the sight before me. Inside lay a stunning gold necklace design and undoubtedly expensive. The weight of it alone hinted at its value, and I could only imagine the cost, likely in the range of lakhs.

 The weight of it alone hinted at its value, and I could only imagine the cost, likely in the range of lakhs

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