36. Mistress?

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Natasha's POV

It's been a few weeks now but I still can't get over the incident.

How can he..? Ugh, leave it.

I brush my hair looking in the mirror before tying them up.

Getting ready for the first day of my college in Italy.

I'm excited but also nervous.

I got downstairs grabbed my bag and Siddharth was waiting outside in his car.

"Ready?" He asked and I nodded with a small smile getting in the car, looking forward he sighed and turned on the engine.

We drove off to my college.

I was so happy now I will be able to study again, and I will finally complete my studies.

Soon we reached there and I got out of the car, The college was very big and I could tell by looking at the students it was a famous college in Italy.

"If anybody disturbs you tell me okay, hmm?" I looked at Siddharth and nodded my head.

I noticed a few boys looking at us while exchanging glances.

"I will be here to pick you up after college alright? Bye"

"Bye," I said in a low voice and started walking toward the entrance.

While I was walking inside the group of boys continued to stare at me but I ignored them.

I was getting inside the college when a group of four boys approached me.

"Look who's here," The red-haired guy said with a smirk.

"In how much Siddharth bought you huh?" The guy with hazel eyes spoke and they started laughing.

"What do you mean?" I lifted my head to look at them and they grinned looking at each other.

"You don't know yet?" A guy with dark hair snickered.

"Do you know who Alessia is?" I shook my head and they scoffed.

"She died for Siddharth's love" One of them replied.

"Yeah, I guess she was his personal mistress too, she got pregnant and he didn't accept her I guess that's why She committed suicide." I was so shocked and hurt to hear that.

"How...How do you know?"

"She jumped from our college rooftop...so most of the college knows about it" Redhead shrugged.

They're lying...no...They're absolutely lying...Siddharth told me I'm his first love he can't betray me like that I'm one hundred percent sure they're lying.

"I don't want to talk with you guys, don't bother me," I walked away and I was glad that they didn't stop me, but they scoffed instead.

Ignoring them I entered my classroom and sat silently at my desk.

I will overthink the situation now, which I don't want.

I want to focus on my lectures, but...I can't.

Finally, the evening slowly started to approach and I picked up my bag walking out of the class, like everyone else.

I made my way toward the exit but suddenly someone pushed me hard causing me to fall with a thud.

I fell inside an empty classroom.

I looked up to see who it was and there were those guys whom I met in my morning.

I got up but before I could do anything they closed the door.

"Open the door!!" I tried to open it but it didn't seem to work, it was locked.

"Stay inside you whore" I could hear them laugh and their footsteps fading away.

"Noo!!! Please open the door, don't leave me here" I banged on the door but nothing happened.

I continued to bang on the door for like twenty minutes and then finally the door unlocked revealing a girl of my age.

"Thank-" She didn't let me complete and walked away without saying anything, "You" I still completed.

I picked up my bag from the floor and walked out of the exit, Siddharth was standing there leaning against his car.

He'll scold me for getting late? Or something worse?

I walk towards him, "Why are you late? I got worried" He asked firmly but somehow still gently.

Siddharth opened the car door for me and I got inside and he sat on the driver seat.

I didn't want to tell him what had happened cause I didn't want to hurt anyone else.

I know he would do something if I told him what had happened.

"I uhh...I was busy talking with my friend so...I didn't realize the time"

"Okay and what was her name" I tense up.

What will I do now?

"Her name? Uhh her name was...Luna," I somehow managed it, I just hope he will believe now.

He hummed and started driving.

Ohhh! My heart, He believed I was so in relief.

Reaching home I got changed into my comfortable clothes and sat down on the dining chair to eat some snacks as I was hungry, Siddharth peeled pomegranates for me.

"How was your day?"

"Not good" I mumble under my breath.

"What?" His eyes narrowed and I realized what I just uttered.

I lifted my head to look up at him, "No no..I..I mean not so bad and not so good, just...just normal" He nodded with a hum.

I'm so dumb.

"Did anybody disturb you?" I shook my head, I didn't want to lie to him but I had to.

I'm sorry Siddharth.


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Ig: authornehasaikia


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