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Natasha's POV

I packed the lunchbox and glanced at the clock it was 12:30 in the afternoon, I couldn't believe this guy just forgot his lunchbox. Now I have to go and give it to him.

That's also a good thing I'll get a glimpse of his office too, Leaving the lunchbox on the kitchen counter I went upstairs to change my dress.

After wearing a saree I walked downstairs taking the lunchbox in my hand and I walked out of the house his driver took me to his office.

After reaching there I got out of the car thanking the driver I stood in front of his company it was quite huge.

I entered inside and walked to the receptionist, "Umm excuse me where is Mr. Siddharth?" I politely asked.

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked to which I shook my head.

"Then sorry you have to book an appointment first,". She said concentrating back on her work.

"Umm...I'm his wife I don't think I need an appointment,"

"You are?" She asked "How can I believe you? Anyone can fake it here,"

"I'm his wife, you can call him and ask,".

She was about to say something when another lady interrupted us, maybe she works here.

"What's going on here?" She asked while looking at us, "Nothing just this woman claims herself to be Boss's wife," The receptionist replied and that lady looked over at me raising an eyebrow.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Malhotra,". She said with a smile extending her hand towards me and I took it with a smile shaking it.

"Nice to meet you too,". I said with a smile, she squeezed my hand and her smile was beautiful but something didn't feel right, she left my hand.

"Are you here to meet him?" She asked while looking at me, almost glaring.

"He forgot his lunchbox so I just wanted to give him this,". I said holding the lunchbox in my hand.

"Give it to me, I'll give him,". She said extending her hand and I shook my head.

"Sorry but no, I'll give it by myself,". I said hesitantly not wanting to hurt her feelings by saying no.

"Don't you trust me? I'm the manager of the company trust me dear I'll give it to him safely,". She said with a smile I remained silent for a while.

"He is in a meeting and if you go there now and disturb him he will be angry do you want that?" She asked and I shook my head, "Then?" She asked, but I was still very hesitant to give it to her.

"I'll wait for him,". I said as she just signed frustrated.

"Gurl why don't you understand? He doesn't like anyone visiting him like this casually,". She Spoke in annoyance, maybe she's right I came here without informing him.

"Umm, okay if you say so". I said handing her the lunchbox, "Please tell him not to skip his meals okay?". I said to which she just nodded.

"Sure,". She said with a smile but that wasn't convincing me.

Shaking these thoughts off my head I left his office and went back home, something was eating me from inside, I guess I made a mistake by handing the lunchbox to that lady.

However, pushing those thoughts aside I went inside the mansion after the car was parked.

I was at home all day watching my favorite shows while the maids were working. I also helped them sometimes in between if they needed any help.

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