29.Business party

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Natasha's POV.

I was in the bedroom sitting on the bed reading my new book "Icebreaker". It has been 2 days since I'm reading this book, and I'm about to finish it soon, the storyline is really interesting.

"Get ready". Siddharth said showing up out of nowhere.

"What?" I asked lifting my head to look to at him closing the book.

"We have to attend my business party in a few hours". He said and i frown in Confusion.

"Haa business party to tumhari h, me kyu jau?" I asked and he just smiled sitting beside me.

"Yes business party is yours so why should I come?"

"Aren't you my wife?". He asks sitting beside me.

"Ofcourse I am". I said as he pulled me closer to me by my arm, he is clingy, and I love it so much.

"Then?". He said and I just stared at him "you have to come with me too, as my wife". He said and I smile.

"Okay, but when?". I asked

"6:30, it's already 5:00. Get ready it's a bit far from here". He said and I nodded getting of the bed.

"Is this book so intresting that you keep on reading it in your free time?". He asked grabbing icebreaker.

I quickly took it from him, "uhh, yes it is" I said smiling nervously.

"Show me then, let me read too". He said.

"We should get ready na? It's already 5:00 isn't it?". I said changing the topic.

"Ahh, you're right, well okay, some other day". He said getting up from the bed, I turned around and put the book in the drawer.

He walked out of the room leaving me alone, I grabbed a beautiful black saree from the closet and wore it. I brushed my hair leaving it open, after applying red lipstick I wore my bangles.

I looked at myself for the last time in the mirror applying perfume, and went to the another room where he was changing, the door was cracked open so I thought he wasn't there I opened it without making any sound.

I covered my mouth blushing hard seeing the view infront of me, Siddharth all shirtless and talking on the phone. His abs and his muscles were visible. He looked so hot, I want to touch his muscles so bad, But I'm shy.

I looked behind when I felt some movements and there was no one, I turned my head to the front and I flinched.

He was standing infront of me, out of nowhere.

"Aap yaha kya kr rhi h?" He asked teasingly.

"What are you doing here?"

"J-ji wo me, me wo...aapko bulane-" I started speaking nervously.

"A-Actually I, I came..here to call-"

He pulled me inside the room by my wrist closing the door behind and pinning me to the door.

He leaned in closer, his breath tickled my ear.

"You come here to?". He asks running his fingers down my arm sending a shiver down my spine.

"T-to see, if you're ready or not". I said not maintaining eye contact.

I feel his cold fingers under my chin lifting my head up.

"Really?...but you were doing something else". He said with a sly smile adding to my embarrassment.

I looked down shyly not wanting to look at him, he caught me. It's very embarassing, he chuckled grabbing my attention, i lift my head to look at him. And my eyes fell on his chest muscles, I wanted to look away but I couldn't.

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