27.Reached Destination

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Siddharth's POV.

I reckon she's kinda all over the place with her moods. One minute she's craving food, next she's yawning, then she's all about cuddles. But hey, she's adorable and keeps things fun!

"Siddharth?" She whispered my name and grabbed my arm, and I smiled back at her.

"Yes, sweetheart?" I replied with a smile.

"We're flying," she said, and I chuckled.

"I know, honey," I said, gently stroking her hair.

"We're so high up," she continued, and I just hummed in agreement.

"The view is nice, but I'm scared," she admitted, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Why? You're safe with me," I reassured her, pulling her close and wrapping my arms around her.

"I know, but we're mid-air," she explained, her fear evident.

"It's okay, love. You're safe with me. Just relax, close your eyes, and sleep. We'll be in Italy soon, alright?" I comforted her, understanding her first-time jitters.

"Close your eyes, okay?" I kissed her forehead, and she obediently closed her eyes, resting her head on my chest, drifting off to sleep.

It was already 10 PM, and we wouldn't reach Italy until 2:30 AM, so I decided sleeping and resting was the best option for both of us.

I joined her in sleep, holding her close in my arms, and we drifted off peacefully together.

I woke up refreshed and glanced at the time, realizing it was almost 2:00 AM, just a few minutes away from reaching our destination.

Looking down at Natasha, who was still sound asleep, clinging onto me, I couldn't help but smile to myself, admiring how adorable she looked.

As the flight attendant announced that we were about to land, I couldn't contain my excitement. I was eager to show Natasha my mansion and share that moment with her.

"Natasha, wake up, we've reached our destination," I whispered softly while gently shaking her.

But she didn't stir.

"Natasha?" I tried again, but she just shifted position.

"Five more minutes," she mumbled sleepily, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"No, no more minutes. Wake up, we're in Italy. Let's go," I insisted, shaking her arm until she finally stirred, looking around in confusion.

The sounds of people disembarking and dragging their luggage echoed through the plane, signaling our arrival.

"We reached?" Natasha exclaimed excitedly, leaning over to peer out the window. "It's so dark outside," she remarked, scanning the scene outside.

"Yeah, it's 2:30 in the night," I confirmed, noticing her surprise.

"Let's hurry then," I urged, and she nodded in agreement. Grabbing our bags, we made our way off the plane, eager to start our adventure in Italy.

I squeezed her hand tightly. "Don't let go of my hand, okay? I don't want you to get lost here," I said, and she nodded, smiling.

Exiting the airport, we were greeted by a Rolls Royce parked and waiting for us, accompanied by bodyguards.

"Wow, that car looks expensive, doesn't it?" Natasha remarked, admiring the vehicle without realizing it was ours.

"Yeah, it sure does," I replied with a smile, glancing at her. She returned the smile, unaware of the surprise waiting for her.

"There's a taxi, let's go," Natasha suggested, heading towards it, but I stopped her in her tracks.

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