33. "I didn't kill him"

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One month later...

Natasha's POV

"Be mine" His voice echoed in the dark alleyway, my heart raced and I shook my head stepping back.

His jaw clenched he moved toward me the pair of red eyes stared into mine.

I started sweating the streets were empty not a single person was there we were...alone.

"Be mine Natasha I'll give you everything you want, everything" He growled moving closer and I shook my head again.

"I don't want any-" He didn't let me complete and pinned me to the wall nearby, a small gasp escaped my lips at the sudden movement.

"L-leave me" That's all I could say before he interrupted me.

"Why is it so hard for you to accept me? why?" He whispered, his breath tickling my ear I tried pushing him but he was too strong to be pushed.

"I...I don't want you, let me go" I looked everywhere but him, I didn't want to face him.

He pinned my wrist above my head with his one hand, his free hand moved to my neck and pushed my hair aside revealing my neck, he nuzzled against my neck taking a deep breath as if inhaling my scent.

I feel uncomfortable.

"L-let me go," My voice trembled, I didn't want to cry but I was scared.

He chuckled...darkly.

I could feel his lips on my neck that sent shivers down my spine...in a bad way.

"Let you go?" He looked at me with lust in his eyes, it's disgusting, he chuckled again "Never even after my death I will always follow you"

"You need therapy, you need a doctor, not me you're crazy" His eyes darkened, and I regret saying it.

"Crazy? yeah for you, babe" He mumbled and started trailing kissing on my neck, I struggled begging him to stop but he didn't listen, I screamed my voice echoed in the darkness but nobody showed up.

"Shh, My darling lower your voice and relax nobody will hear you here, we are alone, only you and me" He smirked "Let me have you all to myself and I promise I'll let you go"

"No" a low whisper left my lips I just wanted to escape from there, his free hand went to my waist caressing it softly before his hand trailed down to caress my hips, I felt disgusting.

He started trailing kisses from my neck to my jaw and slowly moving toward my cheek.

Thick tears rolled down my cheeks and I sobbed, "L-let me go...please" I begged, but he ignored my plea.

"Mine" he whispered.

"I hate you I hate you I hate you" I screamed as tears rolled down my eyes, his jaw clenched.

"Say it again, I dare you" he uttered through clenched teeth and started leaning in to kiss me.

I moved my head in another direction, "N-no"

He gripped my jaw firmly making me look at him, "Don't fucking move or else..." He warned and leaned in again.

I shook my head while tears blurred my vision, I sobbed shaking my head begging him to stop.

God, please save me.

I closed my eyes tightly, he was very close I could feel his breath brushing against my lips.

Suddenly his phone rang, "Fuck" he cursed causing me to open my eyes, he stood straight taking out his phone but he still had a tight grip on my wrists.

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