35. My old self it's coming back, shit

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Siddharth's POV

I was working in my home office finding a good college for Natasha, I wanted her to study in the best college in Italy.

The sky was getting darker and more peaceful.

I...also stopped taking the therapy sessions, I hope nothing goes wrong.

Suddenly I heard gunshots and I knew something was wrong.

I rushed out of the room looking around I saw Natasha.

I rushed towards the window to see what was happening and they were Giovanni's men.

I clenched my jaw in anger "Giovanni's men, shit" I mumbled and turn to look at Natasha who was confused.

I know she would be confused; she doesn't know anything, She doesn't even know I'm an underground mafia.

"Come here," I grabbed her hand and dragged her upstairs, and got into the bedroom closing the door behind me.

I closed all the curtains and locked all the windows concerned for her safety, I knew Giovanni would try to attack her.

Returning to her I gripped her arms, "Don't come out of here okay? Don't come out of here until I tell you to..and don't try to peek at what is happening outside by the window"

She nodded and I left from there not giving her any chance to question the situation as I didn't have time.

I locked the bedroom door from the outside.

I got out grabbed my gun and shot those men.

But unfortunately, one of them attacked me from behind and got on top of me.

"You bastard" He growled while trying to stab me, I had a firm grip on his wrist stopping him from doing so.

"You're gonna regret it, it's your last day," I said and turned him around getting on top of him and grabbing the knife from his hand stabbing him continuously not being able to control my anger.

My men were fighting those bastards a lot of them got injured too.

While I was fighting with them I saw one of Giovanni's men getting inside the mansion, heading upstairs.

"Shit," I mutter under my breath in frustration as Natasha was upstairs too.

I was about to get inside when one of them attacked me again, I had to fight with him as well.

I was getting blind in anger.

After knocking him off I rushed upstairs.

Entering the bedroom I saw my neck boiling my blood.

That fucking bastard.

I grabbed the back of his collar and pushed him away from Natasha.

I cup her face in my hands, "You okay?" Before I could get an answer from her I heard the movements of the man behind me.

In a swift motion, I picked up the knife from the fruit basket and stabbed him shielding Natasha so that the blood would not splash on her.

I grinned in satisfaction hearing him groan and walked towards him sitting on top of him.

"How does it feel? Painful? This is what you get in return when you touch what's mine" I mocked gliding the knife on his cheek causing the blood to flow from his cheek.

He groaned in pain and I felt satisfaction, I love watching people suffer.

Not wanting to waste any second I raised the knife and with the sharp tip, I took his eyes out.

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