꧁ ✧ Chapter 12 ✧ ꧂

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Willow woke up slowly, yawning as she stared out of the tunnel's entrance. They had stayed in the tunnel for nearly a moon, and had been using spare time to teach Sunny how to hunt. he was a natural, and only the other week he caught his first rabbit. they had formed an unbreakable bond in the one and a half moons they had known eachother, and were now true family.

She shivered as the stretched out, her paws brushing the cold and empty space beside her. She sat up, and began grooming her pelt. Her mouth was dry, but she knew there was a stream nearby, and didn't mind her fur sticking to her tongue while she vainly tried to brush out the mud. She hadn't washed her pelt in moons, as she hadn't known when the next time she would come into contact with moisture would be. Willow sat up, waiting for Sunny to come back from his early hunt. After teaching him how to, he had started to go off and practice in the early dawn, usually bringing back a mouse or bird. She waited for a while, watching the rising sun cast warm rays across the floor of the tunnel.

She opened her eyes. She must have dozed off, and she sat up, looking around, expecting prey of some sort. But there was nothing. She peeked over the brim of the tunnel, and worry started to worm around in her stomach. Her heart lurched as she stepped outiside, and saw the sun. Past sun high. Where is he? She started urgently trotting, muzzle lowered.

She brushed past her rock, which had a thin, growing layer of moss. I need to scratch that off later. She thought distractedly, as she scented the air for his scent. Yes! She caught his scent. Faint, but guiding. She followed his trail, and approached the stream, ignoring the strange creature on the rock leap and plop into the cold water, it's naked body wriggling. She stopped dead and pricked her ears. Voices? She stretched her head forward, straining her ears. She turned a few degrees, and stalked forward, catching brief, mumbling parts of a slightly heated conversation.

"...I never meant.."

"...But, that doesn't explain..."

"...I didn't have..."


"...I always loved..."

"...So why'd you leave..."

"...I didn't! You left..."

"...Don't you dare put..."

"...But, you know before... with Birch..."

"...So? That makes... now... okay?"

"..Well, kind of.. but..."

"...I can't believe you....''

She made out the softer, yet whiny voice of a middle-aged she-cat, and Sunny's confused, hurt voice. And yet underneath that voice, there was a tone of anger and resentment. She heard his voice growing louder, and almost panic-y, she rushed forward through the bushes, expecting to see the mystery she-cat advancing on him, but instead, to her surprise she found him, advancing on her. She was a fluffy bright almost white cream cat, with cream fades and freckles on her legs, face and tail with yellow eyes. Sunny was almost a spitting image of her, but a pale ginger cream instead. She was appalled by the similarities between them both, and slid forward, fur slightly fluffed up and ears flattened.

''Sunny? What's going on? Are you okay?'' She stalked towards him, eyes not leaving the she-cat. she had a guarded look in her eyes as she stared defiantly back at her. Willow pressed her nose under his chin.

''Sunny? What?... what in the name of the stars? Kit, who is this she-cat?'' said the she-cat, and bared her teeth at Willow, but Willow advanced faster than she thought she could, suddenly appearing over the she-cat, who was crouched, eyes on the ground.

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