Chapter 1⋆.°🦋༘⋆

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<So don't take this seriously>
If you don't like this story,
Just ignore it in a cute way🔗

NOTICE:the picture i am using here is not my edit...i found them in Pinterest 🌷
&The all credit goes to the right full owner...
<i can't edit like them cuz i am not creative like them🔗>


::Hey buddy whatt are you doing here,,, we're looking for you all over the place but look at you you are here,,,,,

???::helaa maya please stop im soo tired of working on our class project,,,now lemme take rest I don't wanna go anywhere....

Maya::Gurl please stop being lazy...look at this
(Showed her the phone) This is a new boy band nam-- (she cut her words by saying)

???:: please Maya I'll totally listen to you but please not now,, ik you always show me such boy bands ik you'll show me now too,,,

Maya::gurllll,,,immaa leaving don't talk to mee(she left witt her angry pout on her face)

???:: aish i didn't wanted to make her angry but i don't like boy band's....then why will i see those boys tho...IMMA HAPPY WITT MYSELF I DON'T WANNA BE ADDICTED IN KPOP HUHH (rolled her eyes and said) wania don't need any kpop things in her life...(Then the bell rang)......AISHH WHAT THEE...i didn't even take rest aaaa..

Author pov:

Let me clear everything.........
She's WANIA KHATUN from south korea,,but she moved to USA as her appa is a businessman,,
Wania is the main lead here,
She has honey bright skin tone
Dark brown eyes 🤎🪐

She's WANIA KHATUN from south korea,,but she moved to USA as her appa is a businessman,,Wania is the main lead here,She has honey bright skin toneDark brown eyes 🤎🪐

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Lemme show a picture of hers
(Aish she's soo pretty right,,ikk🤭😩)

She Loves butterflies alot...
She is a all time hijabi gurl but she doesn't show her face sometimes...
And her bestie is maya who always drooling over kpop boy's ,she shows her many K-pop boys but this time she didn't listen to her cuz wania is not interested in K-pop......

LET'S GET BACK TO THE STORY_______________📖

Wania pov;

I gone to my classroom to attend my classes,the i saw maya looked at me witt her most innocent look on her face and again pout her face....

Aishhhh....gurl whatsss the matter... don't you dare to look at me like thiss huhh

Maya: please waniii my honey bae,,,, listen to me i bet you'll like them this time...I...i....

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