Chapter 16⋆.°🦋༘⋆

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wania was getting ready...
she was wearing that white sparkly abaya..
"Mashallah unniea you are looking like a hoor.."
Safiya said it while she brushed her pinky finger on her eyes to take some Kajal(lamblack)on her finger then slowly put it behind wanias ear..."May Allah keep you away from evil eyes" safia smiled at wania and said..

Wania smiled back as she said "look at youhh safi... you're looking like a fairy..i swear taif gonna melt after watching you today" safiya's smile faded after hearing it..wania noticed it too so she placed her hand over safiya's shoulder and said "you look pretty when you smile..don't make your precious smile go away for a silly reason.."
Safia gave wania a weak smile she spoke in her cracked voice " i don't know he is my attachment or attraction but all i know is I can't get the love i dreamt of so there is no way im dreaming of him..he deserves the best-

Wania cut her words by saying "then make yourself the best version for taif..i won't say change yourself..but love yourself
One sided love is beautiful but you have to make sure that how to make him fall for you"

Safiya then tried to change the topic she smiled widely "yaaa unniea let it be nah...look into the mirror now.. she faced wania Infront of the mirror..see today the bride will be jealous of you i swear..

see today the bride will be jealous of you i swear

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💫Wania wearing white abaya💫

What if you got your handsome groom today..safia whispers into Wania's ear..then a scene came into Wania's eyes the moment when Ali wrapped his jacket around her waist...
Her thoughts broke in second when safia started coughing in a teasing way..

Wallahi gurl you're so delusional.i really don't think this way..wania said it while she was giving safiya a side eye look...
Safia winked at her "then start thinking about it..what if you get your handsome prince charming..safiya cought wania blushing

"Ahemm ahemm..what was it for?
is it for your thief mask man?" Wania slapped on her shoulder while her heartbeat gone faster than ever
"Safiaaa I'll end you if you say one more word about him.." safiya giggled she then said "okay okay im sorry i won't disturb while you think of him.."

Wania throws pillow in safiyas direction and safiya ran towards the door while laughing hard.she said dramatially.."nowadays telling the truth might cause my death"

Wania was still dead glaring her...safiya then dramatically shutt the door...

"Wallahiii this girl exposing my truth..i mean not thinking about that thief mask man nor im blushing but as he helped me...
I should thank him warmly...
Wania looked at the jacket she grabs it... "Ohh it looks expensive..that thief might stole it from somewhere..whatever not my point
I've dry cleaned this is more shiny than before..thief gonna like it..*smiled*

but how am i gonna find him?

that time her eomma called her loudly..
See jalal you daughter doesn't listen to my any word... I've told her yesterday that we can't be late there.." Ibn jalal made his lips into thin line as he can't stop Mihrima khatun from yelling now..

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