Chapter 3⋆.°🦋༘⋆

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<Eomma came with a Tray full of snacks....
I was eating silently...then eomma spoke...>

Eomma:: are you hiding smtg from me? please sunflower Don't do anything unnecessary,,, I've prayed a lot to allah to get you.... And I don't wanna lose my child...
(In a crying tune)

Aishh...eomma...why on earth you'll lose me tho?
I won't get hurt everr cuz im on your prayers right...

Eomma:: your eomma ik right.... please don't involve yourself in any violence....if anyone does wrong to you leave the matter to allah...
he knows better..he's plan is better than our imagination...

Yaaaa not even involving withh anyone....aisshhh accha lemme explain....
Actually i was late cuz we're busy for doing our project...and we're gonna do it in my place cuz you're not gonna let me work late night outside...
<I lied to her cuz she worries a lot because of me>

Eomma::oh sunflower you're smart that you get it.....yeah i won't let you go outside till we go for our korea flight and it's your punishment....

Woaaa why punishment?....

Eomma:: cuz nowadays you're not spending time witt me and your appa an__

Please my beloved eomma leave the matter aaa i thought you won't scold me if i buy flowers for youu time i won't buy any daisy for youh...(In a dramatic way)

Eomma::Helaa drama queen...yk i love daisy....i forgot everything whenever i see that flower....
Yk your appa gave me--

Yaaa ik actually it's a big love's story.....ahhh eomma im going upstairs in my room.... please send me my snacks so tired...

Eomma:: see you don't wanna talk to me...
Im not liking it...(Witt a cute pout)

Oh my beloved prettiest eomma..yk im busy with my hardest project.... Im all time free for you...
we have few day's to submit the project....pray for your sunflower(Then i hugged her & kissed her forehead)

Eomma::May allah giv all success and happiness to my child.... insha'Allah you'll be the winner this time go & take rest I'll send you snacks...

You're the best eomma everrrrrr(hugged her)

Wania's pov:

Then i ieft eomma and gone to upstairs in my room...I performed ablution and stood in prayer matt and prayed my salah...
After finishing my salah

I raise my hands and prayed::

O Allah, make uss win this time..
I don't want to lose, O Allah, there is no one who understands me except you...Everyone thinks I'm rude But I don't want to be rude tho....I don't want to hurt anyone Allah forgive me if I have done wrong today,,,, I will never hurt anyone again... Well, I will delete the video from social media Because I don't want people to say bad things to a girl.... may Allah guide never do such a bad thing.....May Allah protect my magical friends from bad girls.....yaa rahman You will help my innocent friends even if I am not with them.....
May Allah keep my parents healthy & happy always...


Then I've done my Dhikir...then i sat on my study table....and opened my Laptop...

Aish this video went viral...lemme just call yaani....

Helo Assalamualaikum yaani...did you-

Yaani:: walaikumassalam wania a big thing happened few minutes ago...someone shared yaani's video all over the social media.....

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