chapter 5⋆.°🦋༘⋆

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Gurlls it's almost evening...yaa no ii don't wanna get beating from eomma...yaallahi please save me from my eomma today...
(Wania said it in a pleading voice)

Niaa...ntg will happen.. I'll talk to auntie..after
All you should spend some time with uss right you're leaving naah...!!Rimi said

Yea gurl yk what eomma will reply..?
She'll ask you guy's to stay in my place...

Yaa then im out cuz you guy's know how strict my appa is...right..??...he will never allow me for sleepover at your place... even I didn't stay at my cousin's place for one night...tho
(Yaani said it im her one breath)

Yaa girl then I'll say my parents gave me too much freedom...but they trust's me that I'll never cross my boundaries and will made them proud...
I stayed 100km. Far away from boys..even i hate them cuz sometimes they do soo wrong to girls...
I won't fall for any play boy's i swear...huh
(Wani said)

Gurl all play boy's aren't bad tho..see what if your future husband is a biggest Playboy now..huh?
(Maya said it to tease wania)

La hawlaa walaa quatahh illa billahh...
Astagfirullah gurl don't even dare to talk such things bout my future mehram...i know very well
He'll be my type totally..huh..? (Wania said it in her angry voice)

What's your type huh?...let us know nahh.. you've never talked bout this topic but this time we won't let you goo gurl...(Rimi said it in a stubbornness)

I know you kids wants me to get beating from my eomma... okay imma ready to get beating...but listen right now we should leave the place.... it's not safe here..(wania said in a clam voice)

Okay wania... please drop me at my place.! Yaani said...

Nah gurl you're going with me... please...(wania)

I want it too but my dad won't give me so sorry my beloved wania...

But I'll leave USA soon... it's the last opportunity for uss...

Ya gurl..yk if i ask my dad to giv me permission he'll totally disagree with it...and my mom will scold me please try to understand kitty..
(Yaani said it in a pleaded voice)

Accha im convinced...but im gonna miss you yaani you helped me alot...i can't express in words..
Even maybe i can't give you anything in return cuz it'll cost infinityyy....!wania

Yaa wania don't make me uncomfortable by thanking me... it's my farz right to help my beloved friend..? "Then yaani hugged wania"..wania hugged her back...

Maya/rimi: girls we are 3rd and fourth wheel here......

Y'all im feeling jelly<jealousy>....i wanna get higgies!! Maya said it while pouting..

Then wania pulled all of them into a big hug...
Then wania started to cry....

Guy's I don't wanna leave you..i can't leave my magical butterflies guys are my beloved i also wanna take you guys with me...(Wania said it while sobbing)

Gurl insha'Allah allah planned smtg way more better than our expectations....if we are meant to be together...then we will be together in future too.. don't worry... let's go we should leave... it's dark here...!!Rimi said...

Gurl but why you cancelled the project..?
Isn't it was so important to youh...?(Yaani)

Cuz it is my total destruction...i wanna make happy memories project competition is a fight...and im also tired of this work...!wania said it with a "sigh"....

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