Chapter 14⋆.°🦋༘⋆

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Inside jungkook's car

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Inside jungkook's car

Jungkook was driving on his way hotel apartment..he was so tired that he doesn't feel like going anywhere except his safe place...
A silent appears on his mind. He then looked behind the car and saw that there were 2 bags on the back seat of the car..he realised..Wania has forgotten to take them with her..

"this girl is soo silly..look..!!she forgot to take her like she herself wanna run through my's not like she left her bags in the back..
It's like she left her piece of existence into my heart that my heart started to beat faster than ever by only thinking of her aura..
Again she'll run through my mind and gonna make me crazy over her whole existence"

jungkook smiled and said all the things by staring into those bag...naah i shouldn't think of her as her & i have the different destination..
Also as she didn't recognised me that means she isn't interested in any kind of kpop thing..yaa i can ask suga about that but what if he mind?
I heard her singing my Still with you song...
What if she is secret fangirl of mine?

Jungkook was making so many questions into his mind about wania..

Jungkook stopped the car in front of his apartment..He hurriedly got out of the car, then opened the back seat and took the bags
He hurried towards his apartment..As he passed he saw his personal bodyguard waiting for him. He motioned for him to take the car to the garage... He then again looked backward

"Minho i need to know so many answers come fast into my apartment" rage was visible in his words.. he then stormed off...
Jungkook was still upset about the mall incident IU did to him..IU tried to accuse him again but this time it wasn't about dating was More awful than a dating stuff...if this matter got viral his whole fame will be vanished into seconds..he doesn't care about his fame all he care about is his stars(fandom)..What if they started to hate him..also other fandom would be soo happy by accusing him into fake rumours..
They will make this matter big into bigger...

Wania's pov:

It's been 20 minutes she is in the car with her parents..her eomma was continuously scolding her..Her eomma was so furious today "wania as you yourself said you didn't knew any corner of the mall then why did you left alone? You should have with safiya right?also you said you helped a boy..but why? Yes you did a good deed but what if the guy wasn't good?" Her eomma soften her voice in the last statement..
"eomma i wasn't so.. that's alright nah.. please appa tell eomma that im alright..and insha'Allah I'll be alright always.."

Ibn Jalal looked into the front mirror of the car as he was looking into Mihrima khatuns eyes "listen mihu she is telling she is alright and yes ik my daughter can save herself..also she knows her boundaries.. she'll never make uss look down at her..see she did a great job by helping someone..
Now please don't scold my bear...also don't make your Blood pressure high by asking unnecessary things..Mihrima khatun rolled her eyes at him..
"Listen im soo tired of you two father and two are soo know im missing my son taif here...we should call him.." mihrima said it to tease wania

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