Chapter 4⋆.°🦋༘⋆

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AT: Let's see those flashbacks,what actually happened witt our yaani____shall we?....

Yaani's pov:

When i was going upstairs to get my book in the college library...then i saw some girls were whispering to themselves....i was standing outside the library so i only saw their back figure...
I hide behind the library's door when I heard Wania's name....

__The girls__

::Bro i really don't care if she is my sister...
Thank god yaani recorded that video...
She made my revenge done easily she
helped me to fulfill it...

Other one::But why did you do that to wania
tho... she'll be creeped out if she finds out it's you...or again she's sweet to youh right?...

::Sweet my foot,,, I don't even like her,,,she made my life hell from my childhood....

Other one:: But what did she did?...i never saw her doing anything to youh....i saw everytime...she treats you like her own sister...

::Cuz she thought im dumb and i won't compete her biggest competitor...i teased samiara to steal her i could make my group's project win this i Heard she's going korea..
she has to afford lose this time...
no more dumb playing....
I've suffered enough...

Other one:: gurl... don't move this topic round round just spill the i wanna hear what she actually did?

::DMN..i..hate her cuz she took my euonwo away from me...and she took my fame too... remember in our childhood i was so famous for my drawing skills but when the fvk came in our school everyone was drooling over her....yeah she is still now famous only for her father's money and i hate my sister samaira too cuz she had dated my love eounwo and she had bullied me since forever...And my appa and eomma doesnt love me as much as her cuz im not good at studies,they thinks imma neard....they always talk bout wania's group work...
NOW THIS IS THE TIME TO SHOW THEM WHAT I CAN DO... I'll make samaira's life hell and also will do the same for wania....

After hearing this yaani was shivering so hard as she has very weak heart...she can't handle such eva was one of wania's beloved..
Yeah this gurl who was talking unnecessary things about wania was eva...the gurl from "pinkish" group.....
As yaani was getting nervous cuz she saw Eva's true colour so she was getting panic attack.....
Without wasting any time she run towards downstairs...and called Wania...

Flashback ended:

We find her as soon as possible...!wania said it while crying...

Don't worry rimi and I'll track her location...;<maya said it while checking up her phone....>look guys i found her.... she's in college....we have to go as soon as possible...

Maybeee..she had panick...attack...she always gets into trouble only for me...(Wania said it while crying)

Gurll.. please yk we donno how to drive as fast as you just let's go...(Rimi said it while walking on the door side)

Then wania tied her hijab... grabbed the key and run towards down floor.....they all were passing by wania's mom and suddenly she saw them...

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