Chapter 11⋆.°🦋༘⋆

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Wania moved her attention on Yusuf...

"Listen you two..
I'll move seoul my house tonight"
Wania said it with her sad pout

"Omo that soon? But why?..taif also felt curious
To know... Yusuf spoke calmly
"Actually jalal uncle already told me..
but cupcake we will come over your house right.." but i wanna know everything now...
Yusuf and talf looked at wania with their confused look..
"You wanna know what?"asked taif...

"About your boy band..i mean yes im not into it
But as you work in kpop so i wanna know now..
I wanna know about every single struggle of you become that famous
Why and What made you do this? This is not so easy to do
Are you ok with this?will you always stick with this, Besides, don't you want to do any other work? Also Yusuf you have a serious shoulder problem What if you get hurt?Do you know when my friends showed me your picture?
I remembered you but wondered why you would do this...just tell me are you okay with this..."

Wania said all the words with her concern voice as she doesn't want to see Yusuf or taif get hurt...

After that taif replied in his calming voice...
"Listen wania Although it is difficult to do, we are happy to do this We have found our half-brothers who love us more than ourselves There are some fans who are toxic so what but we also have real fans who like us,admire us,help us
Everything has pros and cons It is forbidden in our religion And yes, we will end this moment
We will not be with this all the time or for the rest of my life...
Just pray that we end this battle from a good position and work ourselves in life....."
Wania glanced once and again spoke...

"Okay but...what made you guy's to do that idol honest"

Yusuf replied with a heart aching smile...
"Actually...wania..when you guy's left for USA
A thief breaks in and takes all our important files..."

Wania stood on her feet in confusion and asked
"What..what are you saying? You could have told us..." not finished yet sit down..
Please don't say anything for now just listen..
And promise me you will never say the things im sharing with you...okay"

Wania shook her head worriedly as agreement...

Then Yusuf began to speak
"Uncle Jalal got a new job in Usa dad did not tell him, thinking that he would not like the matter and he would leave Usa if he heard this...
Because of that our communication was stopped Our situation got so bad that dad was framed by his office boss Because all his important files were stolen We don't know how or who stole it but everything was taken from us
All the money in my dad's bank started to run out little by little...Meanwhile, me Taif Safia still young We don't know how to earn money to support the family"

All of the sudden wania started to cry
She spoke "why yusuf why didn't you informed uss? You think we don't care about our family?
I wish you would've told uss..."
Taif patted her head and said wania my cockroach don't cry nahh.. okay from now on I'll call you coconut not cockroach but still stop crying now...
Comment after listening to him"
Wania shook her head and Yusuf took a deep breath to control his emotion..
He then spoke

We continue to struggle somehow to get Safia admitted in a government school I And Taif was 12th grade then...then we see an audition poster We participated in the audition and won At first there was very little money that had to be lived on But later everyone started liking our songs Everyone loves my rap songs and Taif's face visuals his voice Other members of our group also came with difficulty But except one"

Wania looked at Yusuf with a questioning Face

Jungkook...His family helped him to get his dream...He wanted to be on TV and he got it And do you know that all the brothers in my band are very helpful They never wanted to harm each other Do you know my father didn't like my job, he wanted to take a loan from the bank But the people of the bank did not give it
He used to say that I will never be able to do anything with this job But I proved him wrong
I took this house from my own hard work
Me and taif kept our savings We used to deposit it in my father's account He thought this was given by the government Actually we never let him know that we got the money from the concert In that case, he would not take the money, instead he would scold us

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