Chapter 10⋆.°🦋༘⋆

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Are SUGA from The Sky band...?Maya said it in shock.... "No im a normal boy from korea just like i guess you guys are not as normal as me because you got the beauty...
Last word yusuf said by staring deep into Wania's eyes...Wania chuckled at his staring...
She spoke dramatically woaa hold on guys just hang up the call i have so many things to know

On the video call Rimi heard it and said

Rimi:: Wahh wania see you don't even talk to uss now see... maya see this gurl changed my guess was right...

Maya:: Aha babe relax wania got her Prince charming so let's not disturb our precious dulabhai<brother in law> and wania..

wania got furious by their statement she said
"guys..stop giving me headache
I can't be with this two" <sigh>

Maya:: aish what's now?... remember when I showed you his picture you said you knew him?

Mehh? I said i saw him somewhere...yaallah this gurl...

Maya:: Rimi isn't it the same thing? She saw him means she knew him too? Accha suga heyong don't you know her perfectly?

Yusuf:: Suga? Who? Im yusuf here so please call me Yusuf... And also my hijabi sisters now please give all of uss some privacy we wanna enjoy our Time okay?

Rimi/maya:: astagfirullah you both got the same
Type of rudeness...but don't ignore uss like this after all we are die heart fan of yours...

Yusuf:: you may die heart fan of suga but here im not suga,,okay,,im yusuf here,,, cupca- i mean Wania's please guy's_(maya cutt his words by saying>

Maya:: okay in one condition'
You have to gimme taehyung's number...
Taif was sitting on the couch the moment he heard that he started coughing...he pinched Wania's shoulder and said "wallahi your friends are so greedy literally? They are my fans..So should i get to married them now?" Wania replied yallahi move aside "yk if maya hear that you are also my cousin...she'll be crazy..
I really don't know why she is obsessed with you..."

Huh cuz imma freaking handsome "taif said it with a proud smile" move aside...or should i reveal it too?..." Wania said it to scare him..

" know what i should leave this room...cuz i don't believe you little witch..."
By standing on his feet...

"Blaa blaa...i got annoyed by watching your cow face huhh...go and please don't come back"

"Yaa yaa im going...huhhh"

Yusuf:: guy's....wania will leave tonight and we have few times to share our talk...

Rimi:: yaa maya you become so teasing let them
Talk... okay Yusuf oppa and everyone allah hafiz...
You too angry bird call me after reaching your house.. we'll wait...

With that they cutt the video call

Let's see what actually happened in some hours ago-------

"Listen kids im going to prepare food...actually jalal and jakir bhai gone for their important meeting that's why nobody is home now...and your grandma was feeling low that's why she is taking nap...
Talk to her when she wakes up
"Im coming see you kids"
With that mrs.mihrima khatun left the spot

Wania and suga both were staring at eachother
Then suddenly suga take off his mask...He then spoke to wania "Assalamualaikum cupcake how are you?" Wania freezed it was like she forgot
*A B C D alphabet* but she controlled
Herself and spoke on her mind..

What happened to you gurl you have to speak,
I mean yes he is here after long time so what?
Yes i did silly things back then
But i was a kid right...?
But how this cat become so famous?
I really need to know
She then tried to speak

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