Chapter 9⋆.°🦋༘⋆

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Jungkook said to suga in shivering voice
"I saw her..!..i saw her in a grocery store.."Then suga replied..."awh but did you guy's talk with eachother?"Jungkook lied "no we didn't we don't even know eachother,,but now you have to tell me all the things that how do you guy's are connected to eachother..i mean you never tell us about yourh family...!!"

"That's a big story jungkook...wania is my another sister....i love her as my little sister"After hearing this jungkook felt relief on his chest...but again suga spoke "But now we have grown up idk i may fall for her cuz she's so this modern generation she doesn't even know bout any boy band' she doesn't know that his cousin works at a famous boy band"
Then jungkook said

"But what about Rabi? You said you liked her?"
Then suga giggled and said.."boy i like her as my workmate,not as lover...and wania and i has a huge age gape, i know his appa will never accept me as her husband too im not gud enough for her....anyways I'll go my house after 2 months today do you wanna join us?"
Then jungkook said "no heyong i have some works I'll come after sometimes" with that jungkook left the spot...


Like seriously why am i curious bout her,suga can have his cousin like i have too so what...i shouldn't think about her now cuz maybe suga heyong likes her..
"Eyes don't lie...and jeon jungkook can't love a gurl by one glance"
As suga heyong will leave this boy band as soon as possible but me....i have 2 more years to go....
And i reverted to islam so many fan's are asking me why i reverted... it's not like i don't have any answer to give them, but it's my personal matter why will i share with them...yeah i love my fans but it doesn't mean they'll keep objecting on my works..
But still now i don't know a single thing bout islam... i know allah is the one who created me..He is the one who created me and every creatures...
My father did very wrong to himself by rejecting islam..sometimes lucky people also get into shatan's trap... lastly It was understood that Allah did not give everyone so much happiness..
Like they have the happiness but they don't know how to value it....

AT: Eventually now we can say jungkooks father was also Muslim...but he reverted to Christian for his eomma then jungkook Born..after his birth he never get the love from his mom dad cuz they were always so busy with themselves...
They left jungkook whenever they gone to vacation....but Junkook was raised by his grandparents,and they were so islamic...
They learned jungkook bout the main creator ALLAH
And jungkook was also happy to know his right path...but suddenly when jungkook was 10

At that time Jeon seojun and his wife Miso

Found out about that Junkook is being taught Islamic subjects by his grandparents..
That's why they took jungkook with them...
After that he never saw his grandparents.
But some days ago jungkook got a call from his dad that his grandpa was so sick and he wants to see him by his side.....

Let's see what happened that day...


Jungkook was busy in his Seoul concert but suddenly his manager came and said him to attend the call...then jungkook asked him is
That a important call to attend?with that he grabbed the mobile and pick the call...

"Hello...this is jungkook speaking"with that jungkook Heard a coughing sound...and then jungkook spoke again..."he..hello....g..grandpa is that youh...?...hello..."with that he heard his
Dad's voice from the other side...jungkooks dad spoke in a terrible voice..."jungkook your grandpa isn't well just come fast to seoul medical hospital..
We admitted him their...just come as soon as possible he wants to talk with you"with that his dad cutt the call in hurry...jungkook felt his chest
Getting heavier....after 12 years he is going to see his grandpa... tears rolled from his eyes...
Jungkook spoke to himself in shivering voice...

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