Chapter 12⋆.°🦋༘⋆

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Yusuf and wania They were walking together at the pool side quietly.Then wania spoke calmly

"Yusuf don't you think Safia likes Taif?
They look beautiful together"

"don't you know Taif does not love Safia.
Yes, Safia tried but Taif didn't even try to understand..
I am not against their love.But that love is not fulfilled where there is no effort from both sides..
If there is no love from the right side, the person who loves more suffers...I think Safia has realized that Taif is not right for her.."
Yusuf said everything in calming voice

Wania glupped down her saliva and said all the things in one breath
"I don't know what did you mean Yusuf, but I saw that love in both of their eyes..Taif loves Safia But he doesn't want to accept it..I know he will soon accept that this destiny wants them to reconcile
Yusuf I will prove to you that Taif will love Safia very much"

"Leave it cupcake , let's talk about something else.." said yusuf
But I can't find anything to say Well ..let me think

"Tell me more about your boy band..i really want to know ?"
Wania giggled a little by saying it...

"Aghh wania don't you have anything without asking bout them? Now im feeling like you are a STAR" Yusuf said it to wania with his piercing gaze..."what? How can i be a STAR when im a human? am i look like universe?"
Wania asked it dramatically...

"Gurl you are dumb...wait wait cool.. don't attack on me now... maybe you don't know that we named our fandom as STAR cuz we have thousands of fans and they shine bright as a star..
Also call them diamond as they are the precious thing for us..." Wania looked into the sky and said

"maybe they are leading their most peaceful delusional life" sigh*

"But Yusuf heyong why is your name Suga there?
Is there any meaning behind it..."
Wania asked over curiosity

Yusuf remained silent for a while Then he laughs and says "hu..huu..guess, i know that you'll get it"

Wania looked at Yusuf with suspicious eyes...
She raised her eyebrows dramatically and said

"Seriously? Now i have to guess it what's the meaning behind it? Yusuf, can't you say something in simple language?"

He then laughed a little "woaa...cupcake if i be honest you should know the name...why you don't remember the things what is special for me"

"I don't put up with things that don't work..
Ok lemme tell you what meaning is behind your childhood i have given you that name
Sugarbo... And guess what I did not forget it too"
Wania took a deep breath and said it

He looked at her in confusion...
"Then why don't you call me that now?
I mean i really want to hear this name again from your voice"


I smiled and said"but i like your real name alot and also im not child anymore"

Suddenly grandma spoke behind our back

"Oh my allah is that my Yusuf...It's been a while since I saw you my baby" she hugged Yusuf
Yousuf hugged her back

"Assalamualaikum my beloved grandma...
I could not find time to meet sorry about that" he said

Grandma replied "walaikumassalam all forgiven now since you came here..btw where is my handsome?"

I chuckled and asked "woaa now who's the handsome now?" Yusuf winked at me and said it's your cow boy...yk grandma loved him alottt"

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