Ch- 15 : HAPPY

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"Love isn't just a feeling; it's a choice we make every day, to cherish, to respect, and to hold onto, no matter how hard it gets."


Y/N bursts through the door of Hyejin's apartment, her excitement practically radiating off her. She squeals with joy, barely able to contain herself as she rushes over to Hyejin.

Y/N: Hyejin! Oh my gosh, you won't believe what just happened!

Hyejin looks up from her book, surprised by Y/N's sudden entrance and exuberance.

Hyejin: Woah, Y/N, what's got you so excited?

Y/N: (squealing) Jungkook just asked me to accompany him to a party! Can you believe it? A party! With Jungkook!

Hyejin's eyes widen in shock at Y/N's announcement. She's taken aback by the genuine happiness shining in her friend's eyes.

Hyejin: Wait, Jungkook asked you to a party? But... isn't he your... you know... rival?

Y/N: (grinning ear to ear) um yeaah but...we are friends too? But it's not just any party, Hyejin. It's a business party! And Jungkook wants me to go with him! Can you imagine?

Hyejin can't help but smile at Y/N's infectious enthusiasm, but there's a flicker of concern in her eyes.

Hyejin: (tentatively) Y/N, are you sure it's safe? I mean, going to a party with Jungkook... alone?

Y/N's smile falters for a moment, sensing Hyejin's worry. But then she shakes her head, her excitement returning in full force.

Y/N: (reassuringly) Don't worry, Hyejin. Jungkook may be my rival, but he's also... well, he's Jungkook. And I trust him.

Hyejin studies Y/N's expression, searching for any signs of doubt or hesitation. But all she sees is genuine happiness and excitement, and she can't help but feel relieved.

Hyejin: (smiling) Alright then, if you're sure. But promise me you'll be careful, okay?

Y/N nods enthusiastically, her grin widening at Hyejin's concern.

Y/N: Of course, Hyejin! I'll be as careful as a cat on a tightrope. Nothing's gonna happen, I promise.

Hyejin chuckles, feeling a sense of warmth and affection for her friend.

Hyejin: Alright, then. In that case, you better go get ready for your big night out with Jungkook.

Y/N practically bounces with excitement, already envisioning herself at the party with Jungkook by her side.

Y/N: Thanks, Hyejinieee! You're the best! but you're coming with me no excuses accepted!



(hyejin pov)

As we drive to Y/N's mansion, her genuine happiness is unmistakable. It's a stark departure from the facade she usually wears, her smiles often masking deeper pain. But today, her joy is palpable, her eyes alight with a happiness I've rarely seen.

I can't help but wonder what's behind this sudden change. Could it be him? Jungkook, the source of both her hurt and fleeting moments of happiness. Their relationship is complicated, filled with ups and downs. Yet, despite everything, there's an undeniable connection between them.

As Y/N excitedly talks about the party, I can't shake off my worries. Is it safe for her to be alone with Jungkook? But seeing her happiness, I push aside my concerns, resolving to support her no matter what. After all, that's what friends do.

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