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narrative + message + insta

november 13th, 2022: iowa city, ia

it's been a week since kate and i expressed our feelings for each other. we've been inseparable, and people seem to be noticing. not that i mind it.

she's really just my person. she knows me better than i know myself. each time i look at her, i can't help but imagine her lips on mine.

i love the way we love each other, and the way our hugs last longer than they should. i love the way our fingers intertwine when we hold hands, and how her blue eyes put the ocean to shame. she is truly perfect in each and every way.

i'm feeling really anxious right now. why you might ask... because it's friday. that means kate and i are going on our first date.

i don't even know why i'm so nervous. we've known each other forever, and we hang out all the time. i guess it's just different because of the title.

kate isn't picking me up until seven pm, but i've been getting ready since three. i know she thinks i look good no matter what, but i need to be perfect. i was struggling to pick an outfit for ages, and i ended up going with a corset top and jeans. not the best, but it's really hard to stay warm this time of year in iowa.


i'll pick you up in 30, can't wait to see you pretty girl

almost ready! see you then💕

i'm sitting on the bathroom counter doing the finishing touches on my makeup as i hear a knock on the door.

"nayvie your girl is here"
harper yells

i reply

"already...you haven't even had the first date"
she teases, i giggle, she literally has the humor of teenage boy.

i open the door for kate, and wow she looks good. her hair is curled, and she holds a bouquet of pale pink tulips in her hand.

"wow kate you look amazing"
i exclaim

"so do you... i got you flowers"
she smiles

"thank you, they're beautiful"
i reply

"i remember you saying tulips were your favorite, so i thought you might like them"
she grins

she intertwines her fingers into mine and we walk to her car. she holds the door open for me to get in, and she turns on our shared playlist.

too sweet • kate martin Where stories live. Discover now