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narrative + insta

august 3rd, 2022: iowa city, ia

we finally made it to the bars after a fifteen minute car ride. at first it was awkward, but after a shot or two i was okay.

harper was immediately off dancing with random guys, so i was left with the team. which was definitely not an issue. they were all really sweet, but not too sweet if you know what i mean.

"so tell us about you"
caitlin spoke nearly inaudible because of the loud mix of music and voices in the bar.

"well umm i'm nineteen, i played soccer all my life until now, i'm a pre-law major, i'm in chi omega, and i'm bisexual"
i answered

"i guess kate likes them young"
gabbie laughs and kate slaps her playfully blushing

"how long have you guys known each other"
jada asked

"literally my whole life, since our parents are friends"
i exclaim

they all listen and tell me a bit about themselves as well. after a couple minutes harper comes over and pulls me away to dance. i can tell she's already had at least 3 shots... and she's a lightweight.

i make sure she doesn't drink anymore, but i have two more drinks for myself. courtesy of some guy who offered. one thing about me, i will never turn down a free drink.

at this point i'm completely drunk. i love being drunk, although it does not happen often. when i'm drunk is the only time i can truly let loose. i'm dancing and singing my heart out amidst the crowds of people in the bar.

a blonde girl walks up behind me, and might i say she was pretty hot. i start dancing and grinding on her sloppily, because of my drunken state.

"i think it's time for us to go pretty girl"
she says grabbing my hand

then i realized it was kate.

"ughh already"
i complain

"it's two in the morning nayvs. we've been here for four hours"
kate sighs

"okay fine, but what about harper"
i whine

"she's in the car with the rest of the girls. i've been looking for you for ten minutes."
kate says

i apologize about that, then we walk to the car. she holds my hand tightly leading me through the crowd. i loved the way her hand fit perfectly in mine.

a couple minutes later we made it to the apartment complex. kate walks harper and i up to our room, since she was pretty sober. she follows us in and gets me some water and advil while i sit in bed.

"call me when you wake up, alright"
kate says

"i will, love you"
i reply

"love you too, nayvs"
she smiles



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liked by ccthegoat_22 and othersmoneymartin69, remind me to never take them to the bars ever again🔞🥃tagged, looking4nayvie, futuremilfharps

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liked by ccthegoat_22 and others
moneymartin69, remind me to never take them to the bars ever again🔞🥃
tagged, looking4nayvie, futuremilfharps

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ccthegoat_22, tbh they were the life of the party

looking4nayvie, send me the first pic😋
-moneymartin69, go to sleep🤦🏼‍♀️

futuremilfharps, these photos were taken without my consent😭😭

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authors note
how are we feeling about chapter
four?? btw the "i love you"
is platonic not like in love. anyways,
see ya #kayvie❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

too sweet • kate martin Where stories live. Discover now