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narrative + messages

october 14th, 2022: iowa city, ia

life had been good recently. classes started a month or so ago, and it's been really different than highschool. i'm doing okay at the moment though, considering i have all high b's.

kate and i have been hanging out a lot, but we're both really busy. since the season starts so soon she's had practice a lot, and for me the pre law work is drudgery. i also have chapter for chi omega once a week, but that doesn't take up much time.

me and harper have been hanging out less. i know kind of ironic, hence the fact we live together. she's made some new friends, and i spend most of my free time with kate and the team. although we are together at chapter, since we're sorority sisters.

it's nearly eight pm now, so hopefully kate will be out of practice soon. we'll probably hang out after, like we've been doing for the past couple weeks.

my feelings for kate have developed even stronger since i've arrived on campus. seeing her is the highlight of each day for me. she brings me immense happiness, and i just feel safe and secure with her.

honestly i'm starting to think she feels the same way. i don't really know why, maybe it's her mannerisms. or maybe she's just a nice person with a flirty personality. i just don't want to get my hopes up, and then she not want me how i want her.

i hope she doesn't see me as a chore. i want her to want to hangout with me. not just because i'm her hometown friend, but because she genuinely enjoys my company.


just got out of practice, wanna hang?

yea ofc, i'll get a movie ready!

k, see ya in a bit!

drive safe, love you

love you

about twenty minutes later kate made it to my apartment carrying two full bags from canes. god i love this women.

"ughh canes i love you"
i exclaimed

"i thought you might be hungry. i got your regular"
she replies

"did you get a diet coke"
i ask

"of course, why wouldn't i"
she says

"you know me so well martin"
i added, she laughs

we cuddle up together in my bed, like we have most nights for the past two months. kate pulls me in tight while we watch her favorite move mid90s for the third time this week.

we speak of sweet nothings, while the movie serves as our background music.

"you asleep nayvs"
kate questions

her answer is the silence she gets in return. she pecks the brunette's forehead, and wonders how she could live without expressing her new found feelings for the girl.

she pondered in thought for a bit before falling asleep. if only she knew nayvie felt the same.

authors note
now we're finally getting somewhere.
they just need to date already.
see ya, #kayvie❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

too sweet • kate martin Where stories live. Discover now