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That picture is really sad. Also I made a cheap edit with the help of my friend zariiixo

"Brooke!" The woman choked, looking at me with teary eyes, trembling. My heart began slamming in my chest, making me clutch it, but my body felt different. It felt so wrong! These boobs were bigger than my own, and the fingers were not my long, thin ones I had grown to hate, but utilized when playing guitar. Everything about me felt like the complete opposite of what I was.

I couldn't help but flinch as the woman dove onto the bed, grabbing the remote on the bed and slamming her finger down on the red button. "What's happening?" I asked. My voice didn't feel as light as it was. Brooke's voice was a bit deeper, already spilling the confidence that had earned her so many friends, like the ones at the half candlelight. But along with being deeper, it was also raspy from being inactive for so long.

"Oh my god," the woman said again, covering her mouth with her hand. " baby. My baby."

Doctors flooded into the room, but instead of finding a mess of a girl, broken and convulsing on the bed, they find the shell of a girl, filled with a new soul despite the fact that they were so sure she was going to die. "What the hell. This..." the doctor began, dropping her clip board and placing her hands over her mouth in shock."I don't understand."

"Yeah, I don't understand it either." I replied with my new voice, sitting up. It was true, I didn't understand it is much as they didn't. In hospitals, there was no such thing as second chances, given by fading souls or the Lord, or whatever. It was either that the doctors could save you or they couldn't, and that was all there was to it. My body was too mangled to even salvage my parts for donation like I had hoped, but Brooke's body only needed a new consciousness, and here it was. Danny Shields, now living as Brooke Lively.

I began to climb out of the bed, but I was connected by so many tubes it was unreal. There was an IV in my arm, and a catheter, despite all the discomfort, lodge even farther than where the sun doesn't shine. "Wait, wait, take it easy there champ!" The doctor said. "Take it way easy. We don't understand this as much as you, but as far as we're know, you're a medical miracle in the flesh. We need to analysis you, and diagnose were on life support! Your brain had died, Brooke!" The doctor explained, still flabbergasted.

"I'm calling your father and your brother," The woman, my mom I guessed, was on her phone, tears still pouring down her face. "Damien? Damien, she's awake! She's awake and you have to get Jamal down here, because she's awake!"

"Let's not over excite her!" The doctor said. "Lay back down, and then we're going to slowly disconnect you from all of this, but only if you feel like you can live on your own, okay?"

I was hardly listening to them. My mind was suddenly thinking back to Ed, who was somewhere, I have no idea where, mourning the loss of his best friend. But I wasn't dead! I wanted to see him, and tell him everything, but even though I had this body and the ability to do so, I knew it was going to be more complicated than simply going up to him and telling him all these things!

"I'm fine, please just get me out of all this stuff." I was about to yank the tubes out of my nose, but they all stopped me.

"Slow down there, Champ. Those go down pretty deep. Let's get you unhooked, scanned--"

"Scanned?" I asked angrily. "For what? I'm alive!"

"Brooke, but technically you were also dead. It's amazing that anyone can even wake up from that." The doctor explained gently. I used my hand to push my fingers through my hair in distress, but this hair was much different from my own. My hair on my other body was usually ramrod straight, and easy to tame, but this hair was fluffier and curlier, while at the same time being soft, like the down of a baby duck. I pulled at it, in awe and wonder.

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