Reverse Retrograde

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Retrograde is my new favorite word. NEW COVER FOR THE BOOK YAY OR NAY? Also, I like Leigh Anne from little mix to play Brooke cause she's really pretty and pretty much defines Brooke to a T. Also if you click the YouTube video up top, you can listen to a song I wrote called Reverse Retrograde. If I sound bad ignore it.

I had to fall into the Livelys' routine fairly quickly. Jamal has basketball practice every day of the week, except Sunday, games were on Friday, family night was on Thursdays, movie night Saturday, ect. They were very family oriented, which I enjoyed, but sometimes I wanted a little bit of time for myself.

That, however, was completely out of the question, because the time I did get to be partially by myself was swallowed up by Ruby and Hazel, who I found to be rather loud and annoying. They often times backstabbed each other, even if they were in the same room together. I didn't know what kind of secrets that held on me, but I didn't enjoy not knowing what kind of friends they really were.

Saturday, 11 days after I traded bodies--I didn't even consider it death anymore--and I was tricked into having a sleepover with them. My parents suggested that instead of trying to go back to school and struggle for the rest of the year, I take the rest of the year off and just start over, since all I got was a couple week of schooling in the first place. Because of all this empty space time, they took it upon themselves to be my entertainers, which I didn't need at all.

"You haven't been wearing any make up lately," Hazel commented, smearing some flesh colored make up across my cheeks. "And I hate to be the one to say it, but your eyebrows have gotten out of hand."

"I just stopped caring about that stuff," I shrugged as she continued to dress me up. "Its a waste of time and money and I hardly remembered how to do it anyways."

Ruby and Hazel gasped. "Waste of money? Waste of time?" Hazel choked. "Looking beautiful is a must. There's nothing wrong with looking beautiful all the time, but there's everything wrong with leaving the house looking like some-some loser who doesn't care about herself! We all decided that that was the only way we were going to get boyfriends."

Was that what I was when I was Danny? I brushed my hair, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and wore clean clothes. Did neglecting to put on make up really make me someone who was bound down the lonely road to the old cat lady house? "Look, I changed. I don't even remember how I was or what I thought back them, but I don't want make up. I'm pretty enough already, so leave my face alone, will you." I said, more on Brooke's behalf.

Ruby snorted. "Conceited much? You think pretty highly of yourself." she said. Hazel began to pack up her make up, and I grabbed a wipe and used it to clean off my face. At the same time, my phone began to ring, and I picked it up. My heart jumped painfully in my chest wen I saw that it was Ed's number. "Holy shit!" I say, grabbing the phone.

"What is it?" Hazel asked nosily. I ignored her and ran to the bathroom before pressing answer.

"It's Da-I mean Brooke." I said, shaking my head, feeling stupid. Come on, remember you name for crying out loud!

"How did you get my number?" Ed's voice came through the phone. It didn't sound angry, or even confused, just curious. My body broke out in a sweat, and I began to pace over the fluffy pink run in the bathroom .

"What do you mean?"

"You called me the other day. From this number. And you didn't say anything." he reminded me. I slapped my hand over my mouth. How could I possibly forget that?

"Oh, I found your number, in, um, a book her mom gave me." I lied. "As in Danny's mom."

"Did her mom give you her song book?" He asked hopefully. The song book. My guitar. All the stuff that was a part of me was regretfully wasting away wherever my parents left it after they cleaned out my dorm room.

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