Owing It

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Curiosity killed the cat. It also killed Brooke Lively.

Curiosity brought me to a mysterious link on a friend of a friend's Facebook page, with Brooke's name. "Party girl Brooke trips on Molly," it said, which very obviously peaked my interest, because as far as I knew, Brooke only took drugs once, and it sent her straight to the hospital.

I clicked on the link and it took me to a deep web looking page, which showcased other girls on drugs. A sick feeling started in the pit of my stomach. The video buffeted for a few seconds before it began to play.

Brook seemed off, walking around blindly with her eyes wide open. "Keep the camera pointed that way!" I heard Ruby snap angrily. I saw a flash of Hazel's hair, but she decided it would be best to stay out of the camera as well.

"Are you going to post this?" The cameraman asked.

"So everyone can see how stupid she really is? Yes." Ruby laughed. I slammed the laptop shut, feeling sick to my stomach. It was no accident. It was no experiment. The point the entire time was to embarrass Brooke.

I picked up my phone and dialed Ed. He picked up after a few rings. "Hello?" He answered.

"Ed, I need help."

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He demanded, and I could sense that if he was lying down, he wasn't anymore.

"I found a video online or Br-me, when I took those drugs, and I don't think what happened to me was an accident."

"What? What do you mean?" He asked. "I'm coming over." I hung up and sat on my bed, crisscross, trying to figure out what the hell was the truth and what wasn't. Hazel and Ruby weren't as clean as they let on in the first place and it was their fault that Brooke was dead . I owed it to Brooke to get them charged for what they did, but I'm not sure how.

There was a knock on my bedroom door half and hour later. Ed opened it without waiting for a response. I looked up from my laptop, where the video was still paused at the same part where I had left off. He hurried and pulled off his hoodie, then climbed onto my bed. "I came as fast as I could," he explained. He looked on the screen and found the video, paused. "Oh god."

I didn't want to play it. I was too afraid to see the girl I had become being humiliated by people she thought were her friends. I had to watch it though, because I had to seek justice for Brooke. Nothing she did should have been repaid with her life. I took a deep breath and hit the play button, then moved my hands away from the laptop.

The video came to life again, and it showed Brooke behaving strangely from the drugs. "How much did you give her?" I heard Hazel question.

"I don't know, a lot? I don't know. Three." Ruby replied.

"How many are you suppose to take?"

"Like one," she laughed.

Brooke stumbled a few feet ahead of her before collapsing and begin to fall into what looked like seizure. Ed slammed the laptop shut. "Police, right fucking now." He snapped, not at me, but at the video it seemed. It took a few seconds for the audio to shut off.

"But I took the drugs."

"They poisoned you, Brooke. They knew how much they should have given you, and they gave more than double that amount. They were trying to hurt you. You're taking this video to the police right now or I am." He stood up, unplugging the charger from the wall. He grabbed his jacket and yanked it over his head.

"What kind of friends were they? What did sh-I do to deserve that?"

"What does anyone do to deserve to be poisoned? Nothing! It doesn't matter. Come on, let's go."

I got up and put on my pink hoodie. I slipped on my flat and tucked the laptop away in the bag. No one asked where we were going it when we'd be back, and I was glad about that. Ed drove us down to the nearest police station. They had to listen to us. Even if they couldn't do anything about it, they needed to know that there were two girls out in the world who got their kicks from giving people two times the amount of Molly needed.

At the police station, I sat, clutching my laptop to my chest, bouncing my knee quickly. Ed rested his hand on it, and I looked over at him. I blushed at him. I recalled the other day how I had almost had sex with him, but we'd gotten to third base before he said that he didn't want to go any farther, because he wanted first time to be special.

"Hey, Miracle Girl." A detective said. I jerked my eyes up from Ed's hand to the detective. "What are you two just sitting there for? This isn't a doctors office."

I stood up and motioned for Ed to stay seated. "I need help."

The detective clearly didn't like me, and I knew exactly why. Brooke to him was just another troublesome teen who decided to dabble in drugs and ended up wasting space in a hospital bed. I knew that she'd made some horrible mistakes, but that she cared about her family enough to regret them. That was the reason why she'd given her body over to a complete stranger.

"With?" The detective asked. He was tall and handsomely rugged, with his tie pulled down in a sleazy manner. I wondered how many murders he had seen this day alone.

"I think...I think I was poisoned."

He detectives eyes flitted over to Ed for a second before he decided that I was worth looking into. "Come with me." He said, placing his hand on my shoulder. He took my to an interrogation room and gestured for me to sit down. "You clearly don't know me, but I know you. My name is Detective Brown. I was in charge of questioning your friends the night of your accident to find out what happened to you."

"What did they say?" I asked, clinging to the last shred of hope that anyone knew anything at all.

"That they didn't even know you took drugs. They were all as clean as whistles, so it made you look pretty bad. The media had no idea about any of that though, clearly." He explained. "But you're saying that you think you were poisoned?"

I opened the laptop and passed him the video I found. He watched him from the beginning to the end, where people screaming to call the police. He looked at the date on the video and swore. "Where the fuck did this come from?" He mumbled to himself. I looked down at the ground.

"I can't...I can't charge them with manslaughter because you didn't die. Maybe reckless endangerment. Giving you too much was clearly on purpose, but I had no idea if they intended on killing you."

I nodded and looked down at my hands. Detective Brown placed his hand on my shoulder. "Brook, even good kids make stupid mistakes. It seems more like your stupid mistake was making friends with such dicks. I understand that you thought you were safe to experiment with your friends, but obviously you weren't. We're going to bring them to justice for what they did."

"Thank you." I said gratefully.

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