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GirlxGirl action ahead. Oh yeah, now you'll keep reading. My dirty little beans you guys are.

Ed thought it was about time that he saw his friend again. I didn't have time to remember about Gabriella, Maya, Leo, and Tony, but apparently they had been bugging Ed to get out more. Little did they know he had been out, just not with them.

The thin was that I didn't like them. Not so much all of them as a whole, more just Gabriella, because she and Ed had dated a few times. She was classified as one of the slutbag girlfriends that Ed had had. She cheated on him, dumped him, then in a fit of passion, slept with him and tried to make everything better again, and I hated that. Not to mention she told me that I was clingy and men hated that.

Nevertheless, Ed didn't want to face his friends after nearly two months of avoiding them and asked me to come along, and I agreed. We were going out to a club that Ed said he could get me into without my ID. I did my hair in curls, struggled to give myself a smoky eye look, and slipped into a sexy little number, mainly because I wanted to make Gabs jealous when she met me again for the first time.

I grabbed my purse and left my room, walking down the stairs. "Whoa, whoa, whoa," Jamal said from where he was sitting in the living room. He launched himself over the couch, almost falling. "Where the hell are you going half dresses?"

"Ok not half dressed," I said, looking down at my body.

"Ok, correction. Where are you going dressed like a slut?"

I rolled my eyes. "My friend Ed is picking me up and we're going out to meet someone of his friends." I told him, adjusting my earring.

"How would dad feel if he knew you left liking like this?" Jamal tested me, pursing his lips and crossing his arms.

"How would mom feel if she knew what you did with Stacy last week?" I asked in return, making his eyes widen. He gave up.

"Fine, just take a sweater." he grumbled. I punched his arm lovingly as the doorbell rang. I rushed to open it. I opened it and found Ed in a blue plaid button up over a black t-shirt, atop a pair of black skinny jeans. His eyes widened when he looked at me.

"Hey," I said smiling, always happy to see him.

"You better bring my sister back in one piece," Jamal said to Ed, appearing behind me. Ed nodded.

"Bye, J," I said, leaving, clutching a sweater I had no intentions of using.

"Jesus, Brooke," Ed said as we walked to his new car.

"What?" I asked. He didn't say anything, only opened the door for me, and I climbed in. He went around the other side and climbed in, then started the car.

"If any of the guys look at you, I'm going to scrape their eyes out with a fucking spoon." he said, warning me in advance.

"Thank you for the warning," I laughed, putting on my seatbelt. Ed was looking at me, so I turned his head and made him look out towards the road we would soon be entering. He started the car and we began to drive to the club.

When we stopped briefly at a red light, Ed surprised me by reaching over running his finger along my palm, the way I did to him when we were at my old house over two weeks ago. My fingers twitched at the contact, but he pulled his hand away and placed it back on the wheel. "What was that?" I asked, looking at him. I didn't want to go to the club to re-meet his friends. I would've rather spent it curled up on his bed, like a fangirl, watching him play his guitar.

He looked over at me for a moment before looking back at the road. "Nothing," he said, so I let it go. I reached over and took a curl of his silky hair between my fingers that rested on the back of his neck. I was so in love with him.

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