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My eyes peeled open as I felt Ed's body being removed from mine. He groaned, his body stiff and uncooperative. I let him work around me opposed to getting up and letting him slide out of the bed, because it simply wasn't what he deserved.

The party, the drugs; all of last night had been too much for me. I was confused as to where I stood with Ed, and it was going to have to be different, that was for sure. I still hadn't told him who I was, but I was his girlfriend, and that meant he had to start treating me as such.

I watched Ed slowly walk to the bathroom in my room, then shut the door behind himself. I rolled over onto my back, squeezing my eyes shut to prevent the leakage of tears that wanted to escape. This was suppose to be easy, all of it. It wasn't suppose to go this way.

After a minute, the toilet flushed and water began to run. When he was finished, he opened the door, drying his face with the bottom of his t-shirt.

"Good morning," he said, having to lean against the doorframe. I sat up in bed, feeling angered about last night all over again.

"How could you do that?" I shouted at him, not caring that I was home and people might be have still been in the house.

"Can we backtrack?" He asked, clutching his head. I stood up, nodding.

"Oh yes, the party-without me. The ecstasy that you took with Gabby. The fact that she tried to have sexy with you! I mean, never mind the other two facts, but you know how I feel about drugs! Brooke--I mean--I took them ones and almost died, Ed!"

"Jesu, I didn't take ecstasy! I went with Leo and he brought along Gabby. I didn't take the Molly, Da-Brooke, I swear it to you! I would never do that!" He stressed, and I believed him. "That's just stupid. I just wanted to go have a free drink."

I sat back down and let my head slump into my hands. "God, I was so scared. I don't want to lose you."

"You aren't going to lose me." He said, coming closer and kneeling not down in front of me. That's what I thought before I lost myself. I couldn't lose Ed too, because that would just be too much.

"Promise me you won't do anything stupid?" I asked him. He nodded, so I leaned down and pressed my forehead to his. "Let's go get some food."

Ed and I tiptoed down the stairs into the kitchen, but it was much too late for that. Damien was already up, sitting at the island on his MacBook, sipping from a cup of steaming coffee. "Good...morning." He said, cup paused midway to his face.

"Oh, hi." I say, trying to act as if walking into the kitchen with my boyfriend is totally normal. My dad seemed to have the same thoughts.

"Good morning, Ed."

"G'morning, Mr. Lively."

Ed sat at the island a little way from Damien, and I went and got cereal from the pantry. "I just have to keep reminding myself that you aren't a little girl anymore." Damien said, still not looking up from his computer. My face felt hot.

"Oh! Dad, we didn't do anything! I just went and picked Ed up last night. We just hung out. That's all." I laughed. Things between Ed and I usually stayed PG-13, but I figured it was because he wasn't ready. I've been ready for months, but I wasn't going to rush him.

"Well, I suppose since you're already here, you'll stay for dinner tonight?" Damien asked Ed, standing up with is laptop. Ed nodded.

"Sure, thanks."

"Don't tell your brother he stayed the night." Damien called on his way out the kitchen, making me blush. Jamal would have a cow, which would be really hard to do since he was a male. He wasn't exactly fond of Ed.

I poured Ed a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and I sat down besides him. "Your house is really nice." He commented.

"I know, but I miss my old shitty one." I laughed, then I realized that what I said was inaccurate, at least Brooke wise. I scratched my head and turned my head towards the fridge, trying to put together a lie in case he wants me to elaborate.

"This is nice. It's big, with one of those IKEA kitchens. What is it your parents do again?"

I shrugged. "I can never remember. I can never remember anything."

Ed gently reached out and brushed a curly lock of hair from my face. "It'll come back to you."

I shook my head. "That's the thing, Ed, it won't." I whispered under my breath as if we were conspiring. "Do you remember anything you said last night?"

"Why are you acting like this all of a sudden? You're weirding me out." Ed laughed awkwardly. Jamal came into the kitchen in his pajama pants, but stopped when his eyes fell over Ed.

"Yo." He said, narrowing his eyes at Ed. Ed gave a stiff smile.

"Hello." He replied with a casual, British cheerfulness. Jamal retrieved the box of cereal from in front of Ed.

"When did he get here?" He asked, pouring a bowl for himself.

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" I mumbled around a mouthful of cereal. Milk dripping down my chin.

"You actually like that thing?" Jamal's pointed at me, and Ed looked at me, eating like a slob. Ed smirked at me and my face grew hot again. "Wow, in that case, there's love for all of us out there."

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks, Jamal. Forevwr supplying the world with words of encouragement." I said sarcastically. I put my empty bowl into the sink and waited to for Ed to finish before hurrying him back to my room. I shut and locked the door behind us. Ed picked up my old guitar and played a few simple notes on it, constructing a sweet and innocent tune in only moments. I always admired him for his musical genius.

He set aside my guitar for a moment and looked up at me. We stared at each other for a moment. "I'm kind of thinking that...I want to have sex with you." I said. Ed's eyes widened and he looked away.

"Wow," he said, coughing, "are you sure?"

"What's there to not be sure about?" I asked, stepping away from the door. I pulled my shirt from over my head and tossed it into my clothes hamper. "Unless you don't want to do it."


"Yeah, now." I climbed onto the bed and pressed my face into his neck. He giggled and moved away.

"But there are people here, they might hear us."

I pulled away for a moment. "We'll be quiet."

Ed laughed. I laid on my back and wiggled my pants off. "I don't think you full grasp what sex is, Brooke. But then again, I guess you do."

I stopped, just in my bra and panties. "I'm sure I've had sex, I just don't remember it." I had the mind of a virgin. I was scared, but not that scared. I wanted to do this with Ed, and the timing was horrible, but it felt right.

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