Wigs and Gigs

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A month after the accident and I had almost fallen into place with my new life. There were still a few things that I couldn't get use to, however, one being Brooke's singing voice. The more I sang using her voice, the more I liked it, but it didn't feel like mine, and for that reason, I refrained from singing around other people. I hadn't planned on singing for a crowd again, but Ed invited me to a gig at a small hang out place called The Bungalow.

I only agreed to go because I knew Ed was going to sing, and I didn't want to disappoint him, or myself. I packed up my guitar, cleaned and decorated with girly stickers and such, then told my parents that I would be back later. Ed asked me to meet him at The Bungalow because he was setting up his loops pedal and needed to take his car to transport it.

At eight o'clock at night, The Bungalow seemed to be the go to spot for drinkers and teens alike. It had a Hawaiian set up, making it a great tourist attraction. I had been there once with Ed, as Danny, doing exactly what we showed up to do this time around, which was play a gig. Ed wanted to do several songs, but I was too uncomfortable with doing even one, so he promised me that after he and I sang Gold Rush, then he would take over the rest.

"Hey!" Ed called, pulling Trevor from the car. I wrapped my hand around the fretboard of my own guitar and hurried towards him.

"Hola," I greeted him awkwardly. The nervousness was upsetting my stomach. "Need some help?"

"No, not really. I got it," he said. "Can you just go in as tell Shawn that we made it?"

"Yeah," I nodded. I turned around and began to walk away, but Ed stopped me by calling my name. "Yes?"

He gave me a small smile. "You look nice."

The nervousness I had in my stomach turned to butterflies. I wanted to feel jealous that he was complimenting Brooke and not Danny, but traces of me were all over now. The way I wore my hair, my style, and not to mention my eyes. "Thanks," I replied, then turned to go through the back door of the building.

Shawn was a short, chubby man who was balding slightly. I always assumed the owner of The Bungalow to be a tall and ripped Liam Hemsworth sort of guy. "Hey, Shawn, right?" I said. He looked up from where he was texting on his phone impatiently.

"You're with the red head right?" He demanded.

"Uh, yeah."

"You're late!" He snapped at me. I looked at my phone. It said 7:45 and we were suppose to be on stage by 8:00. "We're early actually."

"No, you're not early anymore. The last show bailed, making you the next shoe in line to play. You're late! Tell your boyfriend to hurry his ass up out there for I put you guys out!"

I rushed away, moving through the throngs of elope to the front door. Ed was lugging in pieces of his loops pedal, so I took a few pieces. "He says we're fucking late," I said. Ed's blue eyes widened.


"Yes!" I grabbed the pieces and urged him to go get the rest of the pieces to avoid taking extra trips. I rushed to the stage and placed the pieces there, then went to work assembling them.

"Brooke!" Someone called. I looked down from the stage and found Hugh standing in the crowd, holding a drink. My heart dropped into my ass. "Brooke, can we talk about the other night?"

"There's nothing to talk about!" I snapped at him. I didn't want to deal with him. I was already having a hard enough time as it was, and here he was, hovering over me, making it worse.

"No, Brooke, I really think we should talk!" Hugh said a bit forcefully.

"Why don't you shove it up your ass, Hugh?" I shouted over the loud music. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked back to see Ed towering over both me and Hugh.

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