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It felt like I was losing myself. Besides having my old job back, there was no point if the day when I could be myself, which was Damny. I felt like old dog who got a new name and had to learn all knew tricks.

I ate Brooke's favorite foods and politely told people thy I couldn't remember everything before the accident if someone stopped me at the mall to eat with them. I put on Brooke's clothes and walked in Brooke's heels and I realized for the first time that I had made the biggest mistake of my life.

My second life.

I sat on the beach, listening to the waves slap against the shoreline. Every now and again the water would touch my toes, but I didn't care. I didn't even care if it swept me away.

"You look miserable." Someone said, and for a second I thought I said it, by my mouth wasn't moving. I looked over and found Brooke, the real Brooke, leaning over her legs, her toes buried in the sand. She looked different somehow, her own soul filling out her own body. Her own eyes.

I looked down at my myself and found my body, tall, thin, lanky, small boobs and a butt that was like sitting on bones. I missed myself so much. Was I going crazy though?

"Nope. Out of body experience," Brooke said after a while.

"Well, where am I really?"

"Really? Right here." She commented. I looked around. "Your body is sleeping." I looked at the water, confusedly. "We're in the life-in-between."

"I thought that you went to heaven."

"Heaven is just this really nice place. It's great and all, but it gets boring. I saw you here and I wanted to talk to you. I didn't know that you could come to the life-in-between too."

I looked at my pale and slightly freckled arms. "I guess I'm in between lives too."

Brooke didn't say anything for a while. "My soul is better now. It's fixed. I managed to cheat death, I guess."

"Do you want your body back?" I asked.she shook her head.

"You didn't get to tell Ed that you love him." Clearly she had been watching, so she'd seen about every fuck up I'd ever had.

"Yeah, but he doesn't believe me. It's pointless now. I should just let go." I shrugged. "Yak your body back and be Brooke again."

Brook stood up and reached for my hand. "I fucked up. I don't deserve a second chance. You do." I took her hand and she pulled me to my feet. We were two very different girls, stuck together by chance and coincidence.

"They poisoned you though." I added. I felt too tall suddenly, being Danny. I was so use to being Brooke now that looking at Brooke was just odd.

"I know, those bitches. But they got what they deserved, and I thank you for that. And as a token of my gratitude, I demand that you wake up and go talk to Ed right now."

I looked at her sideways. "No, that's not how it works."

"Then I allow you to use the body to go get your boyfriend back. All I'll try not to feel too grossed out when you kiss him. He's not my type." She commented. I laughed and smiled.

The idea got farther and exams quieter. "We'll see each other again," I said knowingly before j I fell back down, into reality, or the most realistic and believable part of it.


I wasn't sure how I managed to find Ed, but once I saw his car parked outside of The Bungalow, an old all ages pub we both use to get drinks at from time to time, I stopped my car and walked inside.

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