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People stared as they drove by, watching, watching me, Ed, my mother, father, and Lola crowd around the sign. Ed held the old one in his hands, looking down at it. It was still new, the paint barely starting to wear from the outdoor weather.

"What are we going to do with it?" Lola asked, taking it from Ed's hands.

"Throw it in the trash." I commented. Because I'm not dead. And I'm not going to pretend like I am.

The new sign was beautiful to me. It spoke more than the first sign ever could, with more meaning than anyone just driving by could ever see. Last Chance Avenue felt hopeless, when I was on it those months ago, clinging to life. The name was fitting.

But I learned that there aren't last chances. There are second chances, for girls like me and Brooke, and all you have to do to get it meet the right person or drive down the right street.

I slipped my hand into Ed's and he looked at me. He wore a bright blue button up, different from him dark attire he'd been wearing since the death of me. But I had been reborn and so had he.

"Second Chance Avenue," he said to me with a smile, reading off the sign. "Seems more fitting."

I smile and looked down, something catching my eye. It was a small piece of metal, silver like the color or my car, and j thought that it might have come from my car. I stuck it in my pocket and looked around towards everyone else, feeling their happiness and peace for first time in three months.

Then a semi came and ran all of us over.

Nah, I'm kidding.

~finished 11/6/15 10:11 pm~

Last Chance Avenue [Ed Sheeran]Where stories live. Discover now