A Broken Boy

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Guys, just a heads up, this chapter is sad. But I swear that after this chapter, things will start looking up!

I wanted to stay in the loop about what was happening with my body, but with was rather hard to do any of that because I simply wasn't in the loop. I couldn't talk to Ed, and y parents were out of the question. the best chance I had was to go to my own funeral, which seemed like a horrible idea, but it was the best thing I had.

I woke up the Sunday of the funeral, five days after my death and I inhabited Brooke's body. I felt afraid of going to the church were my service would be held, But I knew it was one of the only chances I had to be be near Ed again, even one last time. But I didn't want it to be the last time. I wanted to tell him everything, and have him fall in love with me, even in this body, and we would be happy together. But again, that was ridiculous, because I was in another person'a body, and I would be surely tossed into a insane asylum if anyone found out that's what I was thinking.

After slipping into a black dress that I had found, and putting on a pair of black flats, I went downstairs to find my parents sitting at the table, eating breakfast. "Why are you dressed?" My mom asked, sipping from a cup of coffee. I looked down at my attire.

"There is a funeral today...for a girl who died, She died the same night I woke up, and I just feel like I should go." I explained. They both looked at me questionably.

"If we knew that you wanted to go, we all would've gotten dressed for the service." my mom said, looking at my dad, then back at me.

"I just didn't want to be a bother," I admit. My dad laughed.

"Brooke, there's no way that you can be a bother to us. We loved you, and we missed you. We're just happy to have you back," He explained, standing up. "Are you sure you're fine going alone?"

"Yeah, I'll be alright. I'll just call you when it ends." I said. Mom reluctantly let me leave. I was a twenty two years old girl with the body of a twenty year old. I was capable to taking care of myself, but they were still worried about me, since it seemed that I blanked out a lot of things when the truth was that I simply didn't know any of the things they mentioned to me.

My dad dropped me off in front of the First Baptist church, where there were cars parked in the parking lot, one of which included Ed's. Mg heart hammered in my chest and I jumped out of the car. "Wait, kid," my dad called. I turned around and looked back at him. "Love you."

"Yeah, I love you too." I replied before waving and running into the church, maybe a bit too eagerly. I nearly threw up soon as I entered the church upon seeing my casket in the front of all the pews, surrounded by flowers. What scared me the most was that the casket door was open, and people were allowed to view me on final time.

My sweet, beautiful Ed was seated in the very first row, head down, his mass of orange tangles actually brushed for the occasion. I wanted to rush over to him, but that would horrible to everyone else. So instead, I maneuvered my way through the crowds of familiar faces and to the casket.

After taking a deep breath, I let my eyes fall into my casket and look at myself one last time. I was pale, eyes shut, with make up hiding any thing that couldn't he healed postmortem. A wave of nausea passed over me, and my knees became weak. I took a step back, fighting to stay in control.

As soon as I stepped back, I body connected with another person's, and the familiar scent of Axe body washes filled my nose, making things worse. I was turned around and met with Ed's face, looking angered, yet at the same time confused. "What are you doing?" He demanded. I took in a deep breath and looked back again, but decided that it was a horrible idea looking once.

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