Oh--Deleted Chapter

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-This chapter went after the party scene but I deleted it-
Maybe we should get married one day," I told Ed, tossing pebbles into the ocean. He was sitting right besides me, knees drawn to his chest, his blowing hair in the salty wind.


"Cause everyone is already expecting us to." I laughed. This was before I felt things for him. I didn't remember a time when I only thought of Ed as the chubby ginger kid who rapped occasionally, faster than anyone I knew. He was only Ed, who was gross and farted and pushed me off of his bed, and sometimes I couldn't stand him, but I loved him all at the same time. He was different and fun and everyone loved Ed, and he'd chosen me, a scrawny girl with a horrible figure, slightly crooked teeth, and pathetic hair to be his friend. I was misfit, and he was king of the misfits.

"Maybe..." He said. "I mean, I sorta imagine marrying you, but I don't think you would do well with someone like me. You work too hard in school. I'm a slacker."

"Ever hear the term,'opposites attract?'" I teased him, shoving his shoulder. "It doesn't matter. I'm not going to marry you to humor everyone else. You really think I wanna be stuck with your ugly ass for the rest of my life?" I snorted. Ed snorted, copying my disgusting laugh, only he held up his nose, making it look pig like. "Stop!"

"Make me."

"You're a dick!"

"You love it. You love me."


I sat watching Ed sleep. I hadn't gotten an once of sleep after bringing him home from the party last night. I sat, killing my phone battery, and after that died, I just sat, trying to smooth out the never ending wrinkles in my life.

I sat on the sofa, staring out the window as the sun came up. My eyes closed, finally, but the sound of Ed climbing out of bed made sleep slip from my grasp again. I didn't open my eyes, but I listened to the sound of him climbing out of bed and going into the bathroom to shower. When he came out again, he was dressed in a pair of cargo shorts and a t-shirt that oddly had an offbeat colored long sleeved shirt underneath it.

Instead of saying anything, I looked back out the small dusty window. Ed sat next to me and his clean scent filled my nose. "I fucked up yesterday."

"Since you mentioned it, what the hell were you doing at that party? With of all people her. I don't mean to sound like a paranoid girlfriend, but if you saw what I saw them you'd be pretty worried too." I told him, turning to face him for the first time. God, he was so cute. He was so cute, looking at with his big perfect blue eyes, begging me to stopping going at him, but I wouldn't. I couldn't let this not be said.

"Look, I just wanted to go out and have a drink, but I didn't want to pay for it. I didn't expect to get as drunk as I did."

"Ed, you weren't drunk, you were high on Molly."

The news seemed to come as a shock to Ed. "I didn't take Molly last night."

"Well, it looks like your lovely ex girlfriend Gabriella drugged you, Ed. She said it wasn't the first time you've taken it, which I'm not sure is the truth or a lie."

Ed's silence gave me my answer. Gabriella hadn't been lying when she said that Ed wasn't all cupcakes and sprinkle. I knew that much. I I had seen him through to pretty bad stuff but apparently there were darker things to him that ever Danny didn't know, and we had been best friends.

"Look, I stopped taking it--"

"Ed, you know how I feel about drugs, oh my fucking God!"

"I said I stopped taking it! After Danny died I just stopped, ok? Don't get on my back about it."

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