Soul Searching

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I always give my chapter really random names because I hate having to think hard about coming up with something catchy. Also, sought excitement. My readers really are troopers, dealing with all this depressing stuff. And I know you guys are asking, "When the fuckity is Ed gonna sing?" Yeah, I'm getting to that soon. No one was asking that. Oh. Also, the Oh Shit Bitch meme that I made for special occasions.

I stayed MIA for a few days after the party. When Ruby and Hazel called, I didn't answer. When they showed up randomly at the door, I declined. Thankfully, Hugh hadn't even tried to reach me. From what I saw on social media, he's found a new play thing that wasn't a prude.

All of this didn't matter to me though, because I was too preoccupied with hanging out with Jamal, who still got a little touchy around me, and Ed. Seventeen days after the night that change my life--literally--and I had seen Ed smile a few times. Sometimes he seemed lost in space, and he denied his feelings a lot, but he didn't deny me in Brooke's body, meaning I was getting closer and closer by the day, warning his trust to be able to to tell him exactly what was going on.

I didn't worry about him as much as I use to. I wasn't scared anymore that if I left, he was going to launch himself off of the nearest roof or smoke pot until his brain couldn't recover from the high. He still didn't go to class or do anymore gigs, but I felt positive that he was healing.

That's what I thought until he sent me a text.

I'm at Danny's house.

My eyes shot open and I jumped off my bed, where I was plucking at my guitar, working on a song that I had written a few days earlier, day dreaming about my crazy ginger. I tossed the old guitar aside and began to call him, hands shaking as I tried to piece together why the hell we was there or all places.

He answered on the third ring. "Hello?" He answered, his British voice coming through the phone easily like melted butter.

"What are you doing, Ed?" I asked him.

"I'm at Danny's house." he told me, repeating his text.

"Why? Why are you there. Hold on, I'm coming to get you," I said, placing on a pair of sneakers sitting by my closet and grabbing my car keys from my dresser. Damien and Rosa were out of on a business trip, and Jamal, who's life was far more exciting than mine now, considering he still had friends, was out in town hanging out. I exited the house after setting the alarm and climbed into the car.

"No, don't. I'm just...I'm gonna ask her mom for the song book."

My eyes widened. "No, Ed, don't do that!" I screamed at him. "Don't go through her stuff!"

"What the hell's the matter?"

I jammed the key into the ignition and left the driveway. "Because she probably would want you going through her private song book!"

Yeah, where I doodled I ❤️ Ed every margin, and wrote constantly about kissing his "strawberry pink lips" and a lot of other sappy things. I didn't want him to see that, because if he did, it might ruin everything I worked at! He would know that I was in love with him, and it might ruin his healing process. All of his scars will tear open again.

"She always shared her songs with me. What do you know anyways, Brooke?"

"Look, don't do anything rash until I get there. I'm like five minutes away, Ed. Five minutes!" I hung up and did my best not to stomp on the gas. Traffic seemed to move at a glacial pace, but once I made it to my old house, which Ed was stirring across the street from, I slammed the car into park and jumped out.

"Hey, Brooke, you don't have to baby me!" Ed said, standing up.

"Ed, you can't just--" I began, but he cut me off.

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