Dancing with Molly

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For the first time since the accident, I was standing in front of the diner. I hadn't forgot about it, but some part of me never wanted to go back to it. It held most of the memories I've ever made. Rainy days, holed up with Ed, dipping fries in milkshakes. Standing there in front of the diner made me miss being myself.

Reminiscing about two month ago seemed almost nostalgic, as if just being Danny and sitting with Ed in front of the large window happened years ago. I smiled, imagining the two of us there.

I dug into my pocket and shot Ed and text, asking him to meet me at the diner.  I didn't go inside until I saw his car parking in the lot. Only then did I go into the dinner and find a seat in our favorite place. A new waitress by the name of Jennifer asked me what I wanted, and I ordered two chocolate milkshakes and a plate of fries, and Ed came through the door.

"What are we doing here?" He asked me, sliding into the seat. He looked around for a moment, taking in the scene as if he hadn't spent most of his teenage years as little bit more sitting in this spot.

"I don't know. I just feel like...looking." I shrugged. Ed stayed quiet for a moment.

"When where you and Danny friends?" He asked suddenly. I looked up at him."She just never talked about you. When we went to the half candlelight for you, she hardly acted as if anything were out the ordinary. And I hardly even thought about it like that, but I just realized it."

I shrugged. "Maybe our definition of friends weren't the same." I explained.

"Brooke, you can tell me. If you and Danny weren't really friends, I understand." His tone told me that he surely wouldn't understand.

My eyes snapped up and I caught his face. "Where is all this coming from, Ed?"

"None of this just makes sense. I mean, we come from different worlds, yet you seem to know everything about Danielle. The food she ate, the places she hung out. Yet I've never even seen you too together. And I don't understand."

I took in a deep breath. I felt everything peeking out, but I wasn't going to say it. Not now. "Danny and I were special friends, Ed. I understood that she had you and I didn't try to come in between that. We hung out a few times. She let met in. I learned her." I lied. Ed looked at his hands. I reach out and took them, feeling his heat.

"Sorry, sometimes I just don't understand. I guess I just thought about all of that when I came in here. And sat in this seat."

Jennifer came and served us our food. "And ate this food." He pointed to it.

"Ed, everyone dips their fries in their milkshakes," I said, which was an honest coincidence. I was starting to feel as if it were the right time to tell him everything. I was positive that he would believe me, since he had been putting two and two together so effortlessly.

"I'm just crazy. I'm thinking of all these stupid things, but it's all crazy." He laughed, picking up and a fry and popping it into his mouth. And just like that, my chance was gone.


I was sitting on that couch, as it was family movie night. I was squeezed onto the sofa, crushed between the arm of the couch and my dad, attempting to watch The Expendables 3 without laughing at Sylvester Stallone's hilarious Botox job. The movie was boring, and I didn't think too much if it.

My phone buzzed and I realized that I had gotten a Facebook message. I opening it up, I was shocked to find a picture of s very drunk looking Ed with who other than Gabriella herself, kissing her cheek.

Did you know Ed was going out tonight?

My eyes widened and I felt hear tickle my skin painfully. That was low, even for her! He was clearly drunk, and he became a kisser when he was drunk. I knew that and I hadn't even seen him wasted that often. I tried to squeeze out of my seat, but my dad put his arm around me. "Nope, you're not getting out this." He laughed.

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