Half Full

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I think Ed is really beautiful. Like literally I have this whole file of feelings for how I feel about his face and his body. He's like a masterpiece and I know I'm only 16, but I think he's fucking art. My favorite thing about him? His nose.😊

I peeled my eyes open the next morning, feeling Ed's breath against my shoulder. We did not have sex, nope, not even close. In fact, we hadn't even kissed again since last night. I got into his car and he drove us back to his place, then we went to bed. We just went to bed. Or at least laid in the bed, and he held me, and we talked.

I knew I had messed everything up bad. The plan was to get Ed to warm up to me before dropping the bomb that I was Danny in another body, but this? I couldn't date Ed, then out of the blue tell him that I was his dead best friend! What if he didn't believe me, or what if he did, but told me--Danny--that he never had those feelings towards me?

For a split second I contemplated blowing it all off. I wouldn't tell him. I would live my life as a life, dropping hints and clues that I was Danny, and he would subtly pick them up and shove them to the back burner. As unattractive as that sounded, it was tempting.

I sat up and pushed my hair back. It was becoming kinky again, and I was too tired to fix it even though it would just cause more work for me in the long run. Ed sighed in his sleep, and I felt his arm snake around my waist. He pulled me closer to him, signaling that he wanted me to lie back down, which I didn't argue with. I laid back down with my head on his chest, and he began to run his fingers through my hair. "What happened last night?" I asked, even though I wasn't hungover.

"A bunch of weird shit," he answer with a laugh.

"What happened to us?"

Ed was quiet for a few moments. "Well, you forced yourself into my life," he said, "and I decided that I didn't mind anymore." Ed grabbed my hand which was placed over his heart and held it. "I don't feel sad anymore."

Cause I never left, I think. I sit up and take a look at his face for a moment. He was so beautiful. His ginger facial hair, his nose, which was large, but beautifully shaped. His almond shaped eyes, which varied from deep blue, to light blue, to almost gray. His nearly invisible eyebrows placed just above his eyes. All of those things held together with his round face

"But I mean..."He said, looking away from my piercing eyes. "I don't want you to think I'm using you or anything...as a distraction. 'Cause I'm not. I really do like you."

"I never thought that," I laughed at his sudden awkwardness. "I never thought that at all."

I knew that I wasn't a distraction, and even if I was, I was more like a filler. When I was around, Ed wasn't sad anymore, and that was all that counted. I leaned down and kissed the bridge of his nose softly. "Well, I better get up before someone reports me missing," I said, climbing out of his bed and stretching.

"I can see your bum," he laughed. I tugged the sweater down over my half naked butt. "You've got such a cute bum."

"Don't look at my butt!" I blushed, finding a pair of jeans on the floor and sliding them up my legs and around my hips. Ed sat up and found a T-Shirt on the floor and tugged it over his head. He grabbed his keys off of his dresser and waited for me to leave his dorm before shutting the locked door.

"Guess I'll take you home now," he said as we walked to his car. He opened the door for me and let me in, then closed it after me.

"I would stay and spend the whole day in your ugly sweater, curled up with you, but I can't." I said.

"My sweater is not ugly!" He defended his style. I shook my head.

"Ed, this sweater is so ugly." He took a moment to look at it.

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