Give Me...Deleted Chapter

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-This went after Oh, but got deleted as well-

"Give me...something." I quietly pleaded, rain drops gently splattered across my skin as I lay belly up in the sand. Ed had left hours ago. I didn't know how he was getting home, but I didn't go after him. The look in his eyes told me that he was finished. I knew what was the truth, and I knew that he was wrong, but I didn't want to hurt him anymore.

I should let him grieve. I should let him accept that fact that she's gone. I'm gone.

I'm not even her anymore.

That's probably why I was looking at the sky, cloudy, bubbling over with thick, dark clouds, asking for Danny to come out and tell me what to do next. She was always rational and sensible. She always had an even head. But no matter how long I looked into the sky, she would never come out, because I was her, and she was me, and we both failed. I failed.

Let me stop thinking about myself in the third person.

Rejection was hard and cruel, and it felt a bit like being stoned. I knew Ed wasn't rejecting my feeling for him, but more of my feelings towards myself. I didn't know how it would turn out when I said it, but I also didn't expect for him to completely tell me to leave. I had hoped that he would look into my eyes and understand that I was Danny. Danny was the reason why Brooke still had a soul, and Ed liked this soul. Ed liked me.

Tears slipped down from the comers of my eyes and made little pools in my ears. Sand was twisted into my curly hair, and it would be a bitch to get out, but I didn't care. I didn't care about anything at the moment. I wouldn't even have cared if the ocean came in and swept me away, dragging me to the deepest deaths of it, burying me in a watery grave.

I didn't know what else to do about Ed. I was scared of going back and hurting him even more than already had. I was scared that even if he did ever believe me, he wouldn't actually haves like who I was before, he would tell me that we were just friends, and just like that, I would slip away. All of it would be for absolutely nothing.

After a long while of staring at the sky, my eyes burned, the the clouds still hadn't opened up to reveal God's holy hand reaching down to retrieve my soul. I stood up, my body locked in places it shouldn't have been. I fetched my keys and walked towards my car.

As I drove, most of me said to leave Ed alone, by a small hopeful part of me, the part that kept my soul on Earth, believed that Ed would understand. So I looked for him. I stopped by his dorm and found that his car was no where around. I began to drive past any more place I had seen Ed, hoping to catch him before he did something stupid. After a long time, I was running out of hope.

Only after driving for two hours did I come across his car, parked in front of an unfamiliar cafe. I climbed out of my care and rushed inside. Instead of seeing Ed seated, drinking coffee, he was standing in front of everyone in a small platform, nothing but an acoustic guitar. I carefully weaved through the people whispering apologies until I was right in front of Ed. His eyes met mine and for a second, only one, I saw his vulnerability and sadness, like a lost boy. He look raw and stripped of all defenses, like the day I saw him at the funeral. Ed looked back at his guitar, filing away all the emotions he kept hidden.

"So, my name is Ed Sheeran. I wrote a song the other day...about two of my friends. And I didn't want to sing it, but I feel like I have to now." Ed said. People, the small fan base he had accumulated, was waiting patiently for him to start, but every second that ticked by felt like years. Decades.

Finally he began to play a quiet and slow tune.

"I won't use past tense
When referring to your name
Holding you close
Doesn't cause me pain
It just reminds me
Of everything we had
But good things just don't last
Even the sweetest fruits have to pass

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