Merry Go Round

21 4 2

Hey there, thanks for making it so far. 'hope, you're liking the story. From now on most of the conversations will be in the alien language, therefore I'll write just in English. Enjoy :)

The agony is your triumph. It saves you from the folly of this world.

Orion's point of view

day 1 hour 4

What a disgrace, look at her, she is even unable to kill herself. Twice, she failed twice. Gosh, this is hilarious, I can't stop laughing.

I stare mindlessly at the cement-grey ceiling. I lay unmoving on a huge mattress. The bed is almost as big as my cottage kitchen. It smells clean. Isn't this too comfortable for a prison?

I puff noisy mouthfuls of air as I wait. I breath in and out loudly. I blow hard, my body empties and starts shaking. I tremble and my skin turns red and purple. I fill my lungs with oxygen and again.

I am not sure who or rather what I wait for, neither do I know how long I have to or even where I am right now. Will I be publicly executed? Will I lay in here till I die out of boredom? Will they torture me to make me pay for my sins?

There are so many horrific options that I can't decide what to hope for. Having my head cut off in front of a crowd sounds epic, at least many people, even if they are aliens, will remember me, know of me. I won't meet death alone. For once I won't be alone. But I don't want it to happen today, perhaps in a week or two. I'd like to think a little longer, to move my arms and legs, breath, feel pain... Just stay alive for a couple of days like Calysta did. I killed you, and you'll kill me. Guess we are really even now.

However, staying in this cell for too long, for years or decades, doesn't work for me. Quite uneventful and plain. On the other hand torture seems a bit excessive. It's not like I don't deserve it, but I have suffered my whole life, a pleasant and quick death would be better. Although having someone carving me up and slowly removing my skin, layer after layer, makes things interesting. Still better than having a bunch of aliens use and abuse my body.

I laugh.

I laugh so hard that tears wet my skin. My stomach contracts, my throat burns, my lungs empty and my whole body shakes. And soon the giggle morphs into sobs. I whimper and cry, I have fallen so deep. My weeps echo in the infinite space. I am so sad, so alone and empty. How is it possible to feel such a heavy sorrow? Everything hurts. How did Calysta manage to smile before he died? How could he stay strong?

"Agh I can't believe it, how can a bug be any louder" scoffs a grumpy voice. I startle. I shut my lips as tears continue to pour over my cheeks. "Can't I just snap her neck" murmurs the same alien and I stiffen. My bruised and beaten body burns as sweat boils on the skin.

"Shhh, she understands us and you really don't want to try your luck against an A rank" hisses a new voice, somewhat squeaky and acute. Younger. This one sounds younger.

"A rank my ass" mutters the other, before silence fills the rooms again. I calm myself and sit up, wiping the stream of tears away. I stare at the cement-grey walls and take a deep breath. I stretch my muscles carefully, my fingers massage the tense spots and my eyes inspect the almost-healed wounds. Almost. I press and scrape the bothersome crusts. I spit and spread saliva on the gaping injuries.

My cadaver-like flesh is so ugly, not that it was ever beautiful. Blue, red, brown, purple, black, pink and even green tattoo every corpse-white inch. I am ready for Halloween, best costume of the year, for sure.

I stand up slowly and my sight goes black. My mind spins and turns in a never-ending carousel. And I fall to the ground with a loud tump. My bones shake and clash. A lone tear washes over my cheek. Why has it to be so difficult? Why am I doing this? Why? Why? Why?

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